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French Revolution Timeline

  • Citizens storm the Bastille

    Citizens storm the Bastille
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
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    Declaration of the Rights of Man-August 1789. Royal Family confined to Tuileries-October 1789. Civil Constitution of the Clergy is adopted-July 1790. Constitution creates a limited monarchy-September 1791. Estates-General meets-May 1789. National Assembly is formed-June 1789. Great Fear sweeps France-July-August 1789. Poor women of Paris march on Versailles-October 1789. Royal Family attempts to flee France- June 1791.
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    Paris mob invades Tuileries palace-August 1792. France becomes a Republic-September 1792. Committee of Public Safety is created-April 1793. Louis XVI beheaded-January 1793. Marie Antoinette is beheaded-October 1793. Reign of Terror-July 1793-1794. Robespierre is beheaded-July 1794.
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    The third Constitution is adopted-August 1795. Directory takes power-November 1795. Napoleon becomes 1st Consul-November 1799. Napoleon invades Egypt-1798-1801.
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    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon invades Egypt-1798-1801. Concordat with the Catholic Church-July 1801. Napoleon named Consul for life-August 1802. Napoleonic Code adopted-March 1804. Napoleon becomes Emperor- May 1804. Battle of Trafalgar-October 1805.Battle of Austerlitz-December 1805. Battle of Leipzig-October 1813.
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    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon abdicates the thrown & Louis XVIII takes the thrown-April 1814. Battle of Waterloo-June 1815. Napoleon invades Russia-January-December 1812. Napoleon is exiled to Elba- April 1814. Napoleon returns from Elba-March 1815. Napoleon exiled to St. Helena-October 1815. Napoleon invades Spain-1808-1815.
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    Napoleon dies