French Revolution Timeline

  • Accession of Louis XVI

    After his grandfather Louis XV passed away Louis XVI was brought to rule. He was a terrible leader, was immature, and never had a goal for his rule.
  • American Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration was adopted by the Second Constitutional Congress, and stated that the Colones would be independent from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence motivated other countries like France that people can rise up and make a better government. (revolution)
  • Meeting of the Estates

    Meeting of the Estates
    The financial problem became so bad under Louis XVI what the Estates General was called. The Estates General was looking for a quick way to fix the financial crisis. However, the meeting led to revolution due to the third estates getting no representation.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

    The National Assembly was formed by the Third Estate. They created the new constitution of France, and were the voice of the common people.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Third Estate was locked out from a meeting, and on that day they creating the Tennis Court Oath. It was an oath that stated that the National Assembly would continue to meet until a new constitution was put into play. This was the first step in to the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The king increased the number of troops on the streets making the people angry. To arm themselves the people (third estate) stormed the Bastille to steel weapons. The victory symbolized triumph over despotism.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens

    It was created by the National Constituent Assembly. It gave the people natural rights, everyone had to pay taxes, freedom, and all men had equal rights.
  • Women's March to Versailles

    Thousands of women with brooms, and pitch forks marched to Versailles were the king was staying demanding for bread. With no hope the Louis XVI gave the people bread, moved back to Paris, and signed the National Assembly's decree.
  • Period: to

    San Culottes

    The San-culottes were the working class that lived in the poorer suburbs of Paris. They were very politically active, and their forcing for reform through violence and threats. (storming of Bastille)
  • Declaration of Pillnit

    It was a statement created by Fredrick William II of Prussia and Leopold II of Austria to try and support the French Monarchy During the revolution. They did this cause they were scared that the French Revolution would result in a revolution in there countries , and other countries in Europe. (does the opposite)
  • A Vindication of the Rights of Women

    A book that was written by Mary Wollstonecraft, which was based off of feminist philosophies. It talked about how the education system trained women to be frivolous, and that boys and girls should be given the education.
  • Period: to

    Paris Commune

    The Paris Commune was made up of the San- culottes and provided tax collection, and other services to the people. They were a democratic assembly and allowed ordinary men run for government. They also played a huge role in the storming of the Bastille, and challenged the national government.
  • Period: to

    September Massacre

    After the other throwing of the government people believed that prisons were trying to from a counter revolution. Over the next couple of days thousands of prisoners were killed in multiple cities.
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    Jacobins vs Girondons

    The Girondons were part of the Jacobins; however they split because of their believes. The Jacobins believed that the king should be executed, while the Girondins believed that the king should live. The Jacobins were successful, and executed the leading Girondins.
  • Period: to

    Creation of the Republic

    The government came to rule after the revolution, and the abolishment of the monarchy. Consisted of members of the National Convention, who trialed and kill Louis XVI.
  • Period: to

    Committee of Public Safety

    The Committee of Public Safety was a political body that had dictatorial rule over France during the Reign of Terror. It's job was to defend France, and was lead by Robespierre.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was guilty of treason, and his death brought an end to the old regime. He was killed with a guillotine, and was killed by the Jacobins. His execution created new enemies for the Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror/ Robespierre

    The Reign of Terror was lead by Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety. During the Reign of Terror they executed anyone that was against or suspected to be against the revolution.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Antoinette was disliked by many of the French commoners, and was against the revolution. She was guilty of high treason and executed by the guillotine.
  • Period: to

    Thermidorian Reaction

    The time between Robespierre being over thrown, and the establishment of the French Directory. It was a time of struggle for power, the Committee of Public Safety was gone, and the Jacobins were arrested.
  • Robespierre Execution

    The National Convention over threw Robespierre, and arrested him. He was executed along with 21 of his followers, and the Committee of Public Safety also came down.
  • Period: to

    War of the 2nd Coalition

    It was the second war on revolutionary France, which was lead my most of the European monarchs. (Britain, Austria, Russia, etc)Their goal was the restore the French monarchy, and try to contain the French Republic. (they failed)
  • Coup d'etat

    The Coup d' etat other threw the Directory of France, and put in Napoleon Bonaparte. This event brought an end to the French Revolution.
  • Concordant of 1801

    Allowed Napoleon to choose bishops, and the bishoprics and parishes were redistributed. This allowed the breach that was caused by church reforms, and confiscations by the French Revolution to be fixed.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon codified the laws for the entire nation into seven codes. The most important was the Civil Code, which allowed for a uniform legal system, legal equality, protection of property, religious toleration, abolishment of serfdom, and feudalism. The code also allowed people to be equal before the law, and choose there own profession.
  • Period: to

    Confederation of the Rhine

    The Confederation of the Rhine was a union of all the German states (besides Austria and Prussia) under protection of Napoleon I. This allowed him to unify and dominate the country till his death.
  • Continental System

    It was a system that paralyzed Great Britain through the destruction of there commerce during the Napoleonic Wars. It hurt English industry and helped stimulate the Luddite protest movement against unemployment.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    An agreement that was signed between France and Russia and Prussia after France's victory over Russia and Prussia. France and Russia became allies and divided Europe between themselves, making Austria and Prussia helpless.
  • Period: to

    Russian Campaign

    Napoleon's blockade with Great Britain was affecting Russian economy, as a result, tensions between France and Russia grew. Napoleon tried to attack Russia, but the extreme summer heat killed much of his army.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The battle was Napoleon's final defeat, and ended the conflict between France and the other power of Europe. It also brought an end to Napoleon trying to dominate Europe.