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french revolution timeline

  • Storming the bastille

    Storming the bastille
    July 14 1789 the people of France stormed the bastille to get gunpowder and ammo
  • womens march on versailles

    womens march on versailles
    October 5th 1789 a group of women gathered together to bring all there concerns directly to the king and queen
  • Louis XVI moves to paris

    Louis XVI moves to paris
    On 5 October 1789 The King was transferred to the Tuileries Palace, before attempting to flee in June 1791 with Marie Antoinette his wife.
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    Louis XVI tries to escape

    June 20th 21 1791 Louis XVI became emotionally paralyzed, leaving most important decisions to the queen.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    January 21 1793 One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentenced to death by the French National Convention, King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.
  • End of Terror/Robespierre Executed

    End of Terror/Robespierre Executed
    July 27 1794 Robespierre was arrested and executed as were many of his fellow Jacobins, thereby ending the Reign of Terror, which was succeeded by the Thermidorian Reaction. ... Read more about radical Jacobin Maximilien Robespierre and his involvement in the Reign of Terror.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor

    Napoleon becomes emperor
    1804 Napoleon Bonaparte also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d'état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.
  • Napoleon creates an empire

    Napoleon creates an empire
    1804 After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d'état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.
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    Invasion of russia

    June 24 1812 to December 15 1812 After taking power in 1799, French leader Napoleon Bonaparte won a string of military victories that gave him control over most of Europe.
  • Napoleon defeated and exiled to elba

    Napoleon defeated and exiled to elba
    April 11 1814 In 1814, Napoleon's broken forces gave up and Napoleon offered to step down in favor of his son. When this offer was rejected, he abdicated and was sent to Elba. ... He abdicated for a second time and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, in the southern Atlantic Ocean, where he lived out the rest of his days.