French Revolution Timeline

  • Louis XVl calls the Estates General

    Louis XVl calls the Estates General
    Louis XVl called the Estates General so he could address the financial and political issues. This meeting was composed of the three estates, clergy, nobility, and commoners. He hoped that bringing the representatives from these three estates would help find the solutions to their problems. This meeting led to the demand for change and fueled the revolution. This ultimately sparked the French Revolution and marked as a turning point in French hostory.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Members of the Third Estate that were locked out of their meeting room and gathered at a tennis court in Versailles. They took an Oath to not end until they achieved their goal of establishing a new constitution. This is important because it challenged the power of the monarchy. It was a powerful moment that showed the fight of the people for liberty, equality, and democracy.
  • Parisians storming the Bastille

    Parisians storming the Bastille
    A group of Parisians stormed the Bastille, which was a fortress and prison in Paris. They were able to seize control of the fortress, free the prisoners, and acquired a good amount of weapons. They did this because they were upset by the scarcity of food and angry about the political repression. This event is significant because it symbolized the overthrow of the monarchy. It is also a symbol of the people that show their power and ability to bring change in the fight for freedom and democracy.
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men
    It served as a fundamental statement that all citizens are equal before the law. It was influenced by the enlightenment and emphasized on the importance of individual liberty, equality, and security. This is important because it laid the foundation for these principles and what the revolutionaries fought for. It also served as a guiding document that had the rights and freedoms for all French citizens
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    A big group of men and women that marched from Paris to Versailles. They were angry about the high price of bread and demanded that the king and queen address their grievances.The group entered the palace, forcing the royal family to move back to Paris. It was significant because it showed the power of the people . It marked the shift of power from the monarchy to the people.
  • Establishment of the New French Constitution.

    Establishment of the New French Constitution.
    The constitution establishes a constitutional monarchy, which limits the powers of the king while granting more authority to the legislative assembly. It also introduced a system of separation of powers. Under this constitution, France was divided and the rights of the citizens were protected. This showed a significant shift in the political landscape of France and was an important milestone in the French Revolution. It also showed a move toward a more democratic form of government.
  • Execution of the King and Queen

    Execution of the King and Queen
    King Louis XVl was executed by guillotine because he was found guilty of treason. Queen Marie was executed later by guillotine because she was accused of crimes against the states. This was a really important event as it marked the end of the monarchy. It also turned the Revolution into a more violent and conflicted phase.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The reign of Terror was a time of political violence and mass execution. The committee of Public Safety held significant power and they aimed to protect the revolution which often resulted in the loss of lives. It eventually lost support as the violence escalated and ending the end of this dark period. It is important because it impacted the course and outcome of the revolution. It consolidated radical power and intensified divisions within France.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    The directory was facing numerous challenges and was struggling to maintain stability. Napoleon saw an opportunity and alongside his supporters, they established a new government. It is important because it provided a sense of stability and direction. It also ended a chaotic period following the Reign of Terror and showed control.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon Builds an Empire
    Napoleon conquered and annexed territories with military strategies and tactics. He was often successful and was able to defeat many of his opponents.Napoleons rule had lasting impacts on France. He was able to modernize the countries under French control.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    Napoleon led a big army around 600,000 soldiers and the invasion was a part of his plan to expand his empire. When advancing the plan, they found little food and water and russians burned everything along their path, a harsh winter also held back Napoleon's army without the proper clothing and little supplies. Napoleon's military campaign was driven by nationalism which spread the revolutionary ideas through Europe. The French Revolution played an important part in Napoleon's rule.
  • 6th Coalition Occupies Paris

    6th Coalition Occupies Paris
    This is a group of european powers that joined together to fight against napoleon. They entered Paris and occupied the city. This is significant because it played a crucial role in the downfall of Napoleon. It shaped the political landscape of Europe and helped the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France.
  • King Louis XVlll Begins his Reign

    King Louis XVlll Begins his Reign
    Louis XVlll issued the Charter of 1814 which guaranteed certain rights and liberties for the people. Although he had challenges he managed to maintain relative stability and worked towards restoring frances position in Europe. He knew the need for a more balanced and incusive form of governance. It is represented as a turning point in the post-revolutionary era.
  • The Congress of Vienna Meets

    The Congress of Vienna Meets
    The main goal of the meeting was to restore stability and establish a new balance of power. They discussed territorial boundaries and the restoration of the monarchy. It is important because it had an impact on the aftermath of the revolution. It aimed to reshape and restore stability and establish a conservative order while maintaining peace.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    This was a turning point for Napoleon, the battle was fierce and lasted throughout the day. Despite some initial success Napoleon was ultimately defeated.This is important because it marked the end of Napoleon's rule. It also returned France back to a more conservative political order.