French Revolution Timeline

  • Guerra austro-prusiana

    Guerra austro-prusiana
    It was a between the Austrian Empire and Prussia by which the latter, which was victorious, became the hegemonic state of Germany.
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    the The Estates-General was a meeting that the three general states do.
  • March on Versailles

     March on Versailles
    I began with some women who began to march because of the high price and the scarcity of bread and also because of the lack of rights.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a fortress that protected the eastern left side of the city of Paris which was destroied.
  • Flight to Varennes – king tries to run away

    Flight to Varennes – king tries to run away
    It was an episode in which King Louis XVI of France, his Queen Marie Antoinette and their family tried to escape but were unsuccessful
  • dissolution of the national assembly

    dissolution of the national assembly
    The National Assembly was dissolved so the Legislative Assembly remained in France meanwhile
  • declaration of the republic

    declaration of the republic
    the First Republic of France was established on September 22, 1792
  • The Trail of Louis

     The Trail of Louis
    The French assembly tried and accused the king of treason and he was sentenced to death so a vote was taken to know what to do with Louis and in the end the king of France was overthrown during the French revolution.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The reign of terror was a period between 1793 and 1794 where the government made fiscal decisions in order not to endanger everyone.
  • Napoleón in

    Napoleón in
    Napoleon was a French military man and statesman, republican general during the revolution and the directorate.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence

    Latin American Wars of Independence
    the wars of independence in Latin America were armed conflicts that took place in the American possessions of the Spanish empire between 1810 and 1829
  • Congresos of vienna, Assembly in

    Congresos of vienna, Assembly in
    The Vienna Congress It was an international meeting convened with the aim of reestablishing the borders of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.
  • The directory

    The directory
    The board of directors was appointed by the executive branch, which was in the hands of 5 members who were the directors.
  • Napoleonic wars

    Napoleonic wars
    They were warlike conflicts during the time when Emperor Napoleon ruled France.