French Revolution Timeline

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath on a tennis court. The tennis court was built in 1686 for use within the Versailles palace. This was regarded as a commitment to a national constitution and representative government. This event was one of the most iconic scenes during the French Revolution process, marking the initiatives of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution Summary & Sources

    French Revolution: Timeline, Causes & Summary - HISTORY. (n.d.). Www.history.com. https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution
    ebook: Chapter 23: The French Revolution and Napoleon 1789–1815
    Wikipedia (images)
  • Women Marched on Versailles

    Women Marched on Versailles
    This event was also known as the October March. The march began among women in the marketplaces of Paris, unsatisfied by the high price of bread. This was an event taken in the form of a parade or march. This was a specific event that had mainly women involved. This event was part of the process regarding the ending of France's absolute monarchy and caused threats to the ruling of King Louis XVI.
  • The Flight to Varennes

    The Flight to Varennes
    King Louis XVI knew his reign was over. He escaped Paris with Queen Marie Antoinette. The family tried to escape to Austria but were caught on their way. Austria, unlike France, wanted the people of France to support their King and Queen. This unsuccessful escape was a foreshadowing of the later execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette.
  • France Declared War

    France Declared War
    The way France overturned King Louis XVI did not sit well with the kingdoms in other parts of Europe. However, they were not planning to join forces in conflict. They were not required for France to declare war. Instead, they started the French Revolutionary War on April 20th by declaring war on Austria themselves. This event marks the starting point of the French Revolutionary War.
  • Abolition of Monarchy

    Abolition of Monarchy
    The National Convention was not satisfied with the constitutional monarchy in France. They wanted more freedom and liberty. So they chose to abolish the monarchy and France became a republic, known as the French First Republic. This event was a demonstration of its people's resentment of the monarchy system in France. This event was also regarded as a dramatic transition of the country's political and governmental system.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    On January 21st, 1793, the King was executed using the guillotine. King Louis XVI was condemned to death by 380 votes to 310. Nine months later, on October 16th, Marie Antoinette was also executed. The condemnation was a shocking event to the whole world, especially in Britain.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Following the French First Republic, there were a number of public executions and massacres. From September 5th, 1793, to July 28th, 1794, around 27,000 people died by execution, with about 500,000 arrested. The conscripted army was established during the Reign of Terror, saving France from foreign invasion and therefore preserving the Revolution. This was one of the most significant events happening during the French Revolution.
  • New Constitution Assigned

    New Constitution Assigned
    After the Reign of Terror, France needed a constitution for the republic. The Constitution of the Year III, also known as the Constitution of 1795, was signed into legislation on August 22nd. A liberal republic with a tax-based franchise was founded. The new constitution slowed down the legislative process and the five-man Directory. The central government retained great power.
  • Napoleon's Rise of Power

    Napoleon's Rise of Power
    The work of the Directory was not satisfying which generated fury among the people. As a result, a royalist mob took to the streets to bring down the Directory. Napoleon Bonaparte rose to save the existence of the Directory. This is also the beginning of his rise to power, foreshadowing his action of crowning himself as the emperor later.
  • Napoleon Became Emperor

    Napoleon Became Emperor
    Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself as the emperor of France. Since the Directory needed him on the battlefield and he indeed achieved great success, he became a hero in many people's hearts. However, his impressive image in people's hearts led to his overthrew of the Directory in the end. He then became the First Consul for the new government in August 1802. And on December 2nd, 1804, he crowned himself emperor of France. This event led to his further influence on other European nations.
  • Monarchy Restored

    Monarchy Restored
    Napoleon was defeated in Russia on June 24th, 1814. After Napoleon was defeated, once more, a Louis XVI descendant took the throne. Officially on July 8th, 1815, the monarchy was restored in France. This event marked the end of the whole Rench Revolution process.