French Revolution Timeline

By arose99
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate of the Estate General wanted votes to be counted by head. They said that they represented the people of France and declared themselves the National Assembly. They drafted a new constitution and took an oath of loyalty on the tennis courts near the meeting house.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    On July 14th, 1789 the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, a mideival fortress that was being used as a prison.They stormed the prison because the military had surrounded Paris and the people believed that Bastille contained weapons that they could use against the army. This was the symbol of the French Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    In late August of 1789, the National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It was modeled after the American Declaration of Independance and said that all men where equal and had natural Rights. It gave all men an equal right to office and asserted freedom of religion.
    N.d. Photograph. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
  • The March on Versailles

    The March on Versailles
    Bread prices had gone up as the economy failed and the people were hungry. On October 5th, 1789 women marched on Versailles demanding bread. Their anger was mainly targeted toward the queen, Marie Antoinette. The people beleived she was frivilous and blaimed her for their problems. When the reached Versailles the women demanded that the king return with them to the capitol in Paris. The King agreed and returned to Paris. However, in Paris he was a prisoner of the people.
  • Citation for Women March on Versailles

  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The Constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy. It replaced the old provinces with 83 departments, protected private property, and free trade. It also ended the church's interfrearance in government and created a new legislative assembly with the power to make laws, collect taxes, and decide on issues of war and peace.
    Constitution. N.d. Photograph. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
  • The Reign of Terorr

    The Reign of Terorr
    The Reign of Terror was a period created by Maximillion Robespierre, the leader the Comittee of Public Safety. During the period, 40,000 people died, 15% where nobles and clergymen, 15% where middle class citizens, and the rest where peasant. The engine of this period was the new invention, the guillotine.
    Guillotine. N.d. Photograph. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    The new constitution came from the efforts of the middle class, and bourgeoisie, who pushed to create it. It created a 5 man directory and a 2 house legislature who where elected by men. Constitution of 1795. N.d. Photograph. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
  • Napolean Bonaparte's Coup D'etat

    Napolean Bonaparte's Coup D'etat
    Napolean Bonaparte was a general in the French Army and political leader in france. He helped to overthrow the Directory and replace it with a 3 man governing board also known as the Consulate. Before a new constitution could be drawn up Napolean gave himself the title "First Consul" for life. In 1804 he went on to declare himself Emporer of France.
  • The Grand Army's Invasion of Russia

    The Grand Army's Invasion of Russia
    In response to Russia removing itself from the Continental System (a system created by France to cut off trade with britain) Napolean Bonaprte, emperor of France created the Grand Army. Him and his new army composed of 40,000 troops marched on Russia. However, the Russians retreated and burned everything they left behind. This "Scorched Earth" policy left the French cold and hungry when winter came. They were forced to retreat to France, but not before 30,000 men died of cold and hunger.
  • Citation for above Picture

    Napoleans Retreat From Moscow. N.d. Photograph. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna went on from September 1814 to June of 1815. The leaders of Europe sat down together in Vienna. Their main goal was to create a lasting peace treaty and to protect the system of monarchy. They redrew the map of Europe and returned Louis XVIII of France to the throne.