06 french revolution

French Revolution Time-Line

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    Assembly that made up of 3 estates to approve new taxes on the third estates.The votting process threatened the possibility of reforms because each estate only get to vote once and usually the 2nd and 1st estates always outvote the 3rd estate. The 3rd estate wanted to change the voting terms where members of estates can vote,so 3rd estate started a strike to get the equality voting they want and this was called the "Tennnis Court Oath" and this is the first step toward the French Revolution.
  • Creation of the National Assembly

    Creation of the National Assembly
    Was maid after the meeting of Estates General. This Ended the Feudalism and privilage of the 1st and 2nd estates, limit the power of the king, seized the church lands and made clergy paid employes. This also approved the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A major event in Frecnh Revolution because of Louse mistake. Mob of Parisians went to Bastille looking for weapons and tried to negotiate with the prison gurds but the nogotiation broke dow, so the gurds and the mobs cross fired. One of the mobs killed the general of gurds and took his head off and this was a turning event in French Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen
    The declaration laid out the basic principles of the French Revolution, Liberty, Equality, and Praternity.This also guaranteed the freedom of speach and that all men are equal before the law. However these didn't extend to women causing 7,000 woman to marched on the palace to gain their rights.
  • Creation of the National Convention

    Creation of the National Convention
    Started on 20th of Sep. 1792 until Oct. 26 1795. Began codifiying laws and provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy and also created the Directory. Also passed the execution of the king.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    King Louis was accompanied by 200 horseman on a 2 hours carriage ride to his place of execution. After the head of the king was chopped off, a young man picked the head and showed it to every one who were on that place that time. The king was executed so that the revolution will have meaning and the countries that near France reacted with terror.
  • Reing of Terror (Sep. 5, 1793 - July 28, 1794)

    Reing of Terror (Sep. 5, 1793 - July 28, 1794)
    Began when Robespierre declares Terrors "the order of the day" to avoid a possible counter revolution. This affect the peasant and country side the most because they were relegious. They executed about 17,000 people by gelatin without fair trial or chance to defend their self. People who they think oppose the Revolution and there were also some female who were executed on gelatin 2 of them were Marie Antionette and Olympe de Gouges.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    The ovethrow of the French revolutionary government. As the result of the Coup de'etat French general Nopoleon Bonaparte emerged as one of three consuls (administrators) who would head the new government. This event was one important bacause this made the government loses power and army gains control.