French Revolution Project

  • Louis XVI crowned King of France

    Louis XVI crowned King of France
    Louis inherited the debt swamped government when his grandfather Louis XV died. He was married to Marie Antoinette and became king at the age of 20.
  • Calling of the Estates-General

    Calling of the Estates-General
    Originally this ancient form of meeting in France was called to fix the taxation situation. Being that this was the first time since 1614 that the general assembly had met coming to a decision was complicating., After being unable to come to an agreement on how voting should work, ultimately resulted in the 3rd estate farming national assemby.
  • Formation of the National Assembely

    Formation of the National Assembely
    The National Assembly was formed by the representative of the third estate. It worked as the parliment of France.
  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    This oath was signed by 576 of the 577 members from the third extate. When the national assemply was locked out of the estates general because the king disapproved of what they were doing, the people made a conference room out of a tennis court. In this "conference room" the members of the national assembly took an oath to not stop meeting until a constitution had been written.
  • Attack on Bastille

    Attack on Bastille
    This was a true revolutionary act of France realizing they needed weapons to defend themselves. Bastille was a prison that only had 7 inmates at the time.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    General panic of the people in the third estate. It was mainly in rural areas where the unrest took place. It was provoked by grain shortages and troops in Paris.
  • French women forced Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French women forced Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    This was another major revolutionary act of the French revolution. After the women were fed up with the price and scarcity of bread, they took the cities weapons from the armory. They then marched to versailles to lay their demands on King Louis VI.
  • Declaration of war on Austria

    Declaration of war on Austria
    The legislative assembly declares war on Austria. Monarchs were worried by seeing the revolution and the overthrow of a monarch and thought it might spread.
  • The National Convention is formed

    The National Convention is formed
    It was made up of Frenchmen forming an assembly of France. It was done to draw up a constitution.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    After being caught in Austria freeing France, Louis was brought back to France and put on trial. Soon after, by vote, Louis XVI was executed by guillotine.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The reign of terror started in Sep. 1793 and lasted intill the fall of Robespierre in 1794. This time was thought by many as terrifying. The most radical of the revolutionist were killing people of there were not radicaal enough. Most deaths were by guillotine.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    This was a revolt against the leaders of the committee of public safety. No one wanted Jacobin to lead the committee.
  • Directory is formed

    Directory is formed
    The directory was a committee of five and served as government for France. It lasted from 1795 to 1799 when it was overthrown by Napolean. It was set up after the fall of Robespierre.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    This day is considered by some to be the end of the revolution. The start of a new lead begins with Napoleon in France.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    The political goal of the war was to help Poland. Through long marches in western Russia, France got Russia's attention. Upset, Russia's nobility fights back and destroys french allies.
  • Napoleons defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
    This defeat marks the end of the Napoleon era in Eurapean history. Waterloo is in Belgium, and the battle had about 25,000 men killed and wounded and 9,000 captured, while the allies lost about 23,000.