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French Revolution: Napoleon Bonaparte

By Jazzrok
  • The Birth of Napoleon Bonaparte

    The Birth of Napoleon Bonaparte
    In Ajaccio, Cosrica, France, Napoleon is the fourth child to be born, and the second surviving child of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino.
  • Coronation of King Louis XVI

    Coronation of King Louis XVI
    The archbishop of Reims is crowning the King. Coronation of Louis VIII and Blanche of Castile at Reims in 1223, began the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The fortress and prison in Paris known as the Bastille controls the royal authority in the center of Paris. Its fall was the start of the French Revolution.
  • 'Great Fear' begins

    'Great Fear' begins
    Peasant rebellions cause a general panic known as the 'Great Fear'. Fearful peasants armed themselves in self-defense, and attacked manor houses.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

     Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    A statement of principles rather than a constitution with legal effect.
  • Women's March of Versailles

    Women's March of Versailles
    The women, due to shortage of bread and freedom, stormed out to the streets bringing cannons, and causing havoc to the guards at the palace.
  • French Revolutionary Wars Begun

    French Revolutionary Wars Begun
    France declared war on Austria and Prussia. With Napoleon guiding the army, they met the other armies with equal force with many casualties each time.
  • The Death of King Louis XVI

    The Death of King Louis XVI
    The people who decided to take over King Louis XVI executed the king, taking their matters into their own hands.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public Safety came under the control of Maximilien Robespierre, a lawyer, and the Jacobins started the Reign of Terror. 16,594 people died by beheading or otherwise after accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. 40,000 accused prisoners has been executed without trial or awaiting trial.
  • War in the Vendee

    War in the Vendee
    In Vendée, peasants revolted against the French Revolutionary government in 1793.
  • Battle of Fleurus

    Battle of Fleurus
    Napoleon with the French army, defeated the Austrians, Dutch, and the British.
  • The execution of Robespierre

    The execution of Robespierre
    The execution of Robespierre on 28 July 1794 marked the end of the Reign of Terror.
  • La Marseillaise was made the national anthem.

     La Marseillaise was made the national anthem.
    The national anthem was first sung by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in 1792. Then made into the national anthem in 1795.
  • "Constitution of the Year III"

     "Constitution of the Year III"
    After years of leading war, Napolean made an constitution that approved everything.
  • Napoleon's Marriage

    Napoleon's Marriage
    Napoleon was then drawn to Barras's former mistress, Josephine de Beauharnais. They married on 9 March 1796 after he had broken off his engagement to Desiree Clary.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte named "First Consul," now effective dictator

    Napoleon Bonaparte named "First Consul," now effective dictator
    Napoleon was seen as "a star in the dark sky". He had victory over many wars. As the Directory started getting weak, french leaders became afraid of what can happen to France since they had no strong leadership at that time, because Napoleon was an outstanding leader with many war victories, Directory legislature were forced to hand over their government to Napoleon. By December 1799, Napoleon was voted to take charge of France.
  • The End of the French Revolution

    The End of the French Revolution
    On 9 November 1799, Napoleon ended the French Revolution. This led to Bonaparte's dictatorship and in 1804 to his claim as emperor, which brought to a close the republican phase of the French Revolution.
  • The Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte

    The Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte
    After the execution of King Louis XVI, Napoleon Bonaparte took over France as emperor.
  • Napoleon's Child

    Napoleon's Child
    Napoleon had a child with his wife Marie Louise named Napoleon Francois Joseph Charles Bonaparte.
  • Napoleon dies of stomach ucler

    Napoleon dies of stomach ucler
    Napoleon's health began to weaken, and by 1817 he showed signs that he has stomach ucler or possibly cancer. He grew weaker each year, by the day and dies on May 5, 1821. His last will from April: "I wish my ashes to rest on the banks of the Seine, in the midst of that French people which I have loved so much. I die before my time, killed by the English oligarchy and its hired assassins."
  • 'Arc De Triomphe' opens

    'Arc De Triomphe' opens
    As one of the most famous monuments in Paris, this arch is commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor of France. This monument's purpose is to honor the Grande Armee, the name of the French army at that time. The Arc De Triomphe has included the names of all of 128 battles of the first French Republic & Napoleon's empire written on the white walls under the vault.