Period: to
The French
In the 1700's, the French were the 2nd richest & arguably the most powerful country in the world.
Sourse: Class Notes -
Causes of the French Revolution
The causes of the French Revolution were:
1. France was bankrupt.
2. The leadership wasn't good.
3. There were food shortages.
4. Teh Estate System was not fair.
Source: Class Notes
5. The Enlightenment challenged the French people's ides. -
Estate System
The Estate System was unfair for the 3rd estate. The 1st Estate & the 2nd Estate did not have to pay taxes and they were the most wealthy. The 3rd Estate was finally outraged which is one of the reasons why the Revolution started. -
The National Assembly
The National Assembly was created by the 3rd estate to truly represent the French people.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Assembly_(French_Revolution) -
Start of French Revolution
The French Revolution started in 1789. The French Revolution was caused because France went bankrupt, they had bed leadership, they had bed harvests, the Estate System was not fair & the Enlightment changed their ideas.
http://www.google.com/search?q=french+revolution&oq=french+rev&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l4.5265j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8&gws_rd=ssl#safe=active&q=start+of+the+french+revolution -
Storming of the Bastille
This was the offical start of the French Revolution. Thosands get gun powder at the city of Paris gun supply. The city then became controled by the Revolutionaries.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storming_of_the_Bastille -
Decleration of the Rights of Men
The National Esembly created the D.R.M. (Decleration of the Rights of Men). The document included the rights the French people deserved.
http://www.constitution.org/fr/fr_drm.htm -
The Bread March
Thosands of woman walked 12 miles from Paris to Versailles with weapons. They were looking for food & for King Louis 16 to sign the Declaration of the Rights of Men.
Source: Class Notes -
Two years of the Revolution...
The royal family was under house arrest in Paris. King Louis XVI was forced to sign laws. The laws he signed took more of his power away.
Source: Class Notes -
Royal Escape
King Louis 16th & Marrie Antoinette tried to escape to Varennes. The escape failed and they were sent back. Later they would be beheaded.
http://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/flight-to-varennes/ -
King Louis XVI Dies
King Louis XVI was beheaded. The people thought this would help Revolution. There was still more to do.
Source: Class Notes -
Austria, Pruissa, Spain, Portual, Britain, & the Dutch Republic declared war on France. France could not lose the war because it would destroy the revolution and they would regain an absolute monarcy. -
Marie Antoinette dies
Marie Antionette was King Louis 16th's wife. She was beheaded a few years after King Louis was.
Source: Class Notes -
Reign of Terror
The French were losing in the war. The French decided to kill eveyone who were against the revolution. 40,000 people including King Louis XVI's wife, Marrie Antionette, were sent to the guillotine. Maximillien was the last to the guillotine.
Source: Class Notes -
Results of the French Revolution were the 3rd estate gained power while 1st & 2nd did not.
http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/french-revolution-effects-revolution.html -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader during the French Revolution. He gained political power in a 1799 coup d`état