French Revolution

By Breet11
  • Estate General called

    Estate General called
    The estate generals had not been called in over 150 years. The estate was called by the kind. He had called the estate to solve the economic crisis facing France. He had started to run out of money which he wanted to call the meeting to try and figure out a way to solve them.
  • National Assembled Form

    National Assembled Form
    The National assembled formed so that the third estate would be able to fight against the king and demand that he make a change to the economic ways. the third estate did plenty of work but barley profited due to the amount of taxes they needed to be paid, and they were so poor that they could no longer be able to eat.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    The tennis court oath became when certain individuals had been locked out of the national assembly. They made a oath to never separate and be able to be able to reassemble anywhere.
  • The Storming Of The Bastille

    The Storming Of The Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille was when the third estate had gone and let out all the prisoners, guilty or not. that was a large event that had really started things up.
  • Constitutional monarchy formed

    Constitutional monarchy formed
    They had finally over thrown him and his full control. The constitutional monarchy was when the kind had been over throw and he had started to share the ruling with the organized government.
  • France a republic

    France a republic
    France had become a republic where the king had no longer have all the power and it was in the hands of the people. People had been able to get to vote and rights and decisions going forward in France.
  • the beheading of the king Louise XVI and Marie Antoinette

    the beheading of the king Louise XVI and Marie Antoinette
    Louise had been convicted and commended to death after by a narrow majority after everything he had one to France. Marie Antoinette was convicted for treason and was then beheaded shortly after the king.
  • Reign Of Terror Begins

    Reign Of Terror Begins
    The reign of terror began of almost 2 years of repressing perceived enemies of the revolution. Robespierre was the one who declared this day.
  • the reign of terror end

    the reign of terror end
    The reign of terror had ended due to Robespierre being arrested and executed. After they had Robespierre was arrested and executed a lot of his followers had been executed after him.