French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates

    Meeting of the Estates
    The meeting of the Estates-General was an assembly of the representitive from the three estates. Was held at Versailles.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • National Assembly- Leads to Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly- Leads to Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a cruital event during begining of the French Revolution. The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 20 June 1789. They decided to keep meeting until there was a stable constitutional government established.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Paris, France, on the morning of 14 July 1789. The bastille was a medieval fortress and prison in Paris. It represented royal authority.
  • Feudalism ended, divisions between estates ended

    Feudalism ended, divisions between estates ended
    First estate was formed by the clergy: people from the church- controlled 10% of the taxes income.
    Second estate was formed by the nobles: Mmebers of the royal family exept the king.
    Third esate was formed by everyone else: from peaseants to farmers to bourgeoisie.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    Aproved by the national assembly in August 27 1789 . It is a fundamental document of the French Revolution . Not only for the french revolution but also in the history of human and civil rights.
  • Bread Riots

    Bread Riots
    Bread was a main source of food for some french peasants. When the bread prices went up because of deregulation of the grain market many couldn´t aford to buy it. Created a revolutionary atmosphere.
  • Assembly reforms France

    Assembly reforms France
    National Constituent Assembly. Came from the national assembly suceceded by the legislative assembly.
  • Royal Family attempts to flee

    Royal Family attempts to flee
    King Louis XVI of France, his queen Marie Antoinette, and their immediate family attempted to escape from Paris. They were unscseflull.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    A new constitution was created,1791. There was limited monarchy- created by the legislative assembly in the French Revolution. Chosen by indirect voting.
  • Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria & Prussia

    Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria & Prussia
    April 20, 1792, the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia. Although the Franch started fighitng poorly the armies became more successful as the war progressed.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    It all started in 1789 when food shortages and economic crises led to the French Revolution. King Louis and Mary Antoinette, were imprisoned. In September the monarchy was abolished.