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French revolution-Julene Rouco

  • Estates General and votes per estate

    Estates General and votes per estate
    Was a generaly assembly that represent the French states of the relam (clergy, Nobility and Peasants). The total of votes were 130,000 of the first state, 110,000 of the second state and 25,000,000 of the third state
  • Causes of the revolution

    Causes of the revolution
    Economical crisis: rise in prices of the food, discontent, anger, unemployment.../Financial crisis: Monarchy’s lack of money and privileged payed taxes for a reform/Enlightenment: They think that all the men were equal to the law, freedom of expression... /Military and financial aid for USA:
  • Poor social structure

    Poor social structure
    By the Ancient Regime, there were 3 states: 1st state (clergy), 2nd state (nobility) and the 3rd state (peasants). These last state pay high taxes and were the non-privileged state, while the other two states didn't pay taxes and were the privileged state.
    In the 3rd state, there were a group called Bourgeosie (merchants and traders), that wanted to have a similar power to the 2nd state (the nobility)
  • Declaration of the rights of Man

    Declaration of the rights of Man
    The National Constituent Assembly made some legal reforms and the feudal rights were abolished (the peasentry) and they made the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, that gave they rights, freedoms and equality
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    In the 14th of July of 1789, the French people take Bastille and for they the Ancient Regim finished and started the French Revolution
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a commitment of union presented on June 20, 1789 among the 577 deputies of the third estate not to separate until France had a Constitution, under pressure from the King of France Louis XVI.
  • Period: to

    Social republic

    A radical bourgeoisie (supported by popular classes), Republic, more equality (universal male suffrage+social laws). There were two convections: Giroldins (non-radical) and the Jacobins (radical) that started the terror
  • Period: to

    Constitutional monarchy

    A moderate bourgeoisie. They proposals were the end of Ancien Regime, a parliament by census suffrage and a constitution.
    One of the most important events of these period was the execution of the king Louis XVI, the 21 of January of 1793
  • Period: to

    Conservative republic (The Directory)

    A new government made of a more moderate bourgeoisie: the Directory. It included an elected legislative and an executive branch with 5 directors, like Napoleon Bonaparte, to avoid dictatorships. The constitution restricted the right to vote to men who could read and who owned a certain amount of property, like middle class and wealthy landowners: the Census suffrage