French Revolution

By mmmeel
  • The Old Regime

    The Old Regime
    The Old Regime was a political system of France that divided people into 3 estates. The first one, the Privileged Estates, was composed of Catholic clerics who condemned concepts from the Enlightenment. The Third Estate was largely comprised of peasants, who were tasked to pay taxes to the king’s agents.
    This was an important event of the French Revolution because it sets out as a background information: the rising anger from the lower class.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The National Assembly was established following a heated debate between the delegates of the Third Estate. National Assembly was intended to pass legislations on behalf of the French people. With the existence of National Assembly, it symbolized the fading away of the dominance of monarchy.

    This was an important event of the French Revolution because the voting of the National Assembly was the revolution's first intentional deed.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Rumors abut Louis intending to use military force to devastate the National Assembly became prevalent in Paris. To execute a genocide of French residents, the foreign troops arrived in Paris. To defend the city from an invasion, people started to gather weapons, which resulted in chaotic chain effects like the peasants quickly turned into thugs themselves.
    For the French people, the fall of the Bastille served as a powerful emblem of revolution.
  • Louis XVI Tries to Escape

    Louis XVI Tries to Escape
    With Church reforms by the National Assembly, clergy members and church officials would be elected and compensated similarly to state officials. As peasants were pissed off by the reform, Louis was scared of the future reigning of his monarchy. The royal family were taken back to Paris under protection when they tried to flee to Austrian Netherlands.
    Louis's failed endeavor to flee cemented his fate by strengthening the political clout of his extreme adversaries.
  • Jacobins Take the Control

    Jacobins Take the Control
    While the monarchy was swiftly overthrown and France was declared a republic by the National Convention, the majority of individuals who involved in the September 1792 governmental changes belonged to a radical political group, namely the Jacobins Club. Jean-Paul Marat was a popular club member who spread the message that those who support the king shall be sentenced to death.
    Louis XVI was condemned as a prisoner by the National Convention and sentenced him to death.
  • Robespierre Assumes Control

    Robespierre Assumes Control
    Robespierre was one Jacobin leader who built a “republic of virtue”, eradicating all traces of France's past. A few months later, he became the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. It was an organization that aimed to protect the Revolution from anyone who tried to rebel, even though under dictatorship.
    Robespierre defended his use of fear by asserting that it allowed French citizens to uphold the Revolution's objectives.
  • End of Robespierre’s Period

    End of Robespierre’s Period
    It was due to the intimidation of Robespierre’s dominance that members of the National Convention clamored his execution. The Reign of Terror ended when he was executed, and people of all estates began to complain the high prices that was set in the past. The moderate leaders drafted a new form of government, comprised of upper middle-class men and the Directory.
    Napoleon Bonaparte was chosen by these moderate leaders as the right general to lead France's army.
  • Hero of the Hour

    Hero of the Hour
    A government representative instructed Napoleon to defend the delegates when royalist rebels marched on the National Convention. Thousands of royalists were met by Napoleon and his gunners with a cannonade. The attackers quickly fled in fear, forecasting the success of Napoleon.
    This was an important event of the French Revolution because Napoleon rose to prominence and was regarded as the French republic's savior throughout Paris.
  • Napoleon’s Victory

    Napoleon’s Victory
    Young Napoleon was designated to lead the French Army to fight against Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia. The youthful general invaded Italy and achieved a string of outstanding triumphs. His heroic image remained in the hearts of France.
    This was an important event of the French Revolution because it illustrated how Napoleon was admired and championed.
  • The Decay of Directory & The Restored Peace

    The Decay of Directory & The Restored Peace
    As Napoleon returned back to France, he was advised by his friends that he should gain political power from the Directory, since he was winning vast amount of popularity. The majority of the members of the national legislature were expelled from the building of his army. Napoleon seized the title of the first consul.
    Later, Britain, Austria, and Russia signed peace agreements with France. For the very first time in ten years, there was peace in Europe.