French Revolution

  • Louis XVI crowned King of France

    Louis XVI crowned King of France
    King Louis XVI took the thrown after King Louis XV died. He became the new king of France
  • The American Revolution Begins

    The American Revolution Begins
    The newly found American colonies were having troubles with the British government. They refused to pay their taxes and rebelled against Great Britain. This led to the American Revolutionary war.
  • Calling of the Estates- General

    Calling of the Estates- General
    The king called a meeting for all of the estates to meet. He wants to tax the 1st and 2nd estate, but he wants them to vote. All the estates get 1 vote each to represent their estate. The 3rd estate got shot down and it lead to a riot.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    Description: The 3rd estate was outraged after the Estates General. They formed their own little type of government called the Nation Assembly where their moto is, “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.”
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The people met in a small court and took an oath. Their oath that they took said, “Let us swear to God and our country that we will not disperse until we have established a sound and just constitution, as instructed by those who nominated us.”
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    Description: An angry mob stormed the prison of Bastille. The prison was a symbol of the Monarch’s power.
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    Women around France were furious at King Louis. They raided jails and other places that contained weapons and they marched all the way to Versailles. This is called the Women’s March on Versailles. This forced him to leave Versailles for his own safety.
  • National Convention is Formed

    National Convention is Formed
    The National Convention was formed to make France more of a republic. It set aside the constitution and abolished absolute monarchy.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    The people believed that the revolution can’t advance if the King was still alive. They executed him in hopes of changes in France.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Robespierre’s reign is known as the Reign of Terror. He worked to eliminate any possible threats. He killed people with the guillotine that he thought was conspiring against France.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    The bourgeoisie (upper middle class) was given power. They weren’t able to fixed France’s financial situation and food shortage, but they hired a good general to command the French’s army.
  • Napoleon Takes power

    Napoleon Takes power
    Napoleon takes power through coup d'état. That means that he had control of the entire army and he could just unleash it on the whole country.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    The invasion of Russia was his biggest mistake. Napoleon invaded Russia with 680,000 men, and only 120,000 soldiers returned with him to Paris.
  • Napoleons defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
    This was Napoleon's last battle before he was defeated. He was then exiled off to St. Helena where he died.