French Revolution

By dudly8
  • Palace of Versailles built

    Palace of Versailles built
    The palace of Versailles was built 12 miles from Paris, France for King Loius
  • The capital of France is moved

    The capital of France is moved
    King Louis moved the capital of France to Versailles, escaping the turmoil of Paris
  • King Louis XVI marries Marie Antionette

    King Louis XVI marries Marie Antionette
    The king of France, Louis XVI marries Marie Antionette, the archduchess of Austria.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The common people of France revolt against the King
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    After being locked out of the estates general, the third estate find a nearby tennis court to meet and commited to a new national assembly.
  • The Bastille is swarmed

    The Bastille is swarmed
    The Bastille, a famous prison was swarmed by revolutionaries to take the large amounts of ammunition the prison held.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of man is written

    The Declaration of the Rights of man is written
    The first constitution was written by the national assembly, giving new rights to the common people.
  • Women's march on Versailles

    Women's march on Versailles
    A large crowd of women marched to the Palace of Versailles in an attempt to end the king's independence and signifiy the change of power and reforms about to overtake France
  • King Louis XVI is excuted

    King Louis XVI is excuted
    King Louis XVI is finally charged and executed.
  • The Reign of Terror begins

    The Reign of Terror begins
    After a series of bad ruling by King Louis XVI, France begins the Reign of terror, a period of many executions by the newly formed Government
  • Napoleon takes over

    Napoleon takes over
    Napoleon Bonaparte launches a coup on a weak and corrupt revolutionary government. He takes control of France
  • Period: to

    Napoleon as Emperor

    Napoleon becomes the first consul, then emperor
  • Creation of the Napoleonic Code

    Creation of the Napoleonic Code
    Shortly after becoming emperor, napoleon creates a new set of revisions and laws creating new freedoms and equalness among men.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    After 5 years of being the first consul of France, napoleon crowns himself emperor and sets his sights on expanding.
  • Napoleon gets defeated

    Napoleon gets defeated
    After a series of mistakes, Napoleon makes his biggest one yet when he decides to invade Russia. Instead of fighting back the Russians use the coldness of their country and retreat, leaving napoleons mean to die of the cold and starvation.
  • The battle of waterloo

    The battle of waterloo
    After most of his men die in russia, Napoleon escapes back to France but is defeated by the British and the Prussians, marking the end of his reign.
  • Napoleon is Forced into exile

    Napoleon is Forced into exile
    After the defeat in Waterloo, Napoleon is exiled to Elba, a small island in Italy. Although he does make it back to France and leads once again for a short period of time, he is once again exiled to St. Helena where he dies of stomach cancer.