4 reasons the french sought to rebel
- weak government
- social stratification
- economic failure
- enlightment and American revolution
Louis XVI calls the estates-general
Louis XVI called the Estates-general in pressure from the people of France.They were close to bankruptcy, riots over bread were everywhere, and nobles denounced tyranny because they were afraid of being taxed. The French king had not called the estaes-general in 175 years in fear that the nobles would take some of the king's powers. Cahiers were asked to write a list of grievances such as fairer taxes, freedom of press, regular meetings of the Estaes-general, and cheaper leather. -
Tennis courts oath
Delegates of the estates- General that owned land in the third estate were involved in the oath swearing that they would never separate and meet where ever the circumstances might require until they had established a spimd and just constitution. -
Storming of the Bastille
Crowd demanded weapons and gunpower they thought was stored in the Bastille. The commander refused to let the mob in which resulted in a riot and open fire throughout the crowd. Many people were killed including the Bastille commander. -
The National Assembly Acts
A meeting was held all night on August 4th and the National Assembly voted to end their own priviledges, including manorial dues, exclusive hunting rights and exemption from taxes. They stated that "Feudalism is abolished" In late August, they came up with the Declaration of rights of Man stating that all men were created equal and could hold public office with no distinction. -
Monarchy is Abolished
Convention voted to abolish monarchy and to establish a republic government. In the begining of the republic, the Convention placed Louis XVi on trial as a traitor to France and eventually sent to death. Shortly following her husband, Marie Antoinette was executed as well. -
Spread of Nationalism
National identity was formed within the people with the war and revolution. Monarchs centralised powers resulting in the loyalty of the people shifting from local governments into the king or queen. People were encouraged to defend their nation and a sense of pride and devotion for France hit all over the country. -
Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
Maximilien Robespierre, leader of the commitee of Public Safety, was also named a Tyrant by his enemies. Robespierre believed that terror was necessary to obtain the goals of the revolution. July 28th of 1794, Robespierre was executed and with him, the reign of terror was also put to rest. -
Third Stage of the Revolution and Napoleon's rise to Power
The constitution set up a 5 man directory and a two-house legislature by male property owners. This only lasted for four years until Napolean Bonaparte gained power.
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