French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    War between France and New England
  • Parlements close

    Maupeou Revolutions calls for a close
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV

    Indecisive king who ruled during the Moderate Stage
  • French Allies

    France allies with United States of America
  • Jacques Necker dismissed

    Dismissed as the general of finance for cutting government spending.
  • Estate General Session

    Louis XIV-to win support for new taxes called into session the Estate General
  • Jacques Necker recalled

    Called back to serve as the General of Finances after major economic issues
  • Period: to

    The Moderate Stage

    Beginning and causes of the Revolution
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    The Great Fear

    Period where rumors spread and there was trouble
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Second Estate's Resolution

    Resolution passed stating that vote by order was essential to the constitution.
  • National Assembly

    The 3rd estate declares themselves the National Assembly
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    Louis XIV locked the door of the meeting room in Versailles, so the National Assembly took it to the tennis court
  • Dissolving of the Assembly

    King Louis orders for the National Assembly to disband
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Rumor= King was planning a military coup against the National Assembly
  • Declaration of the Rights of Monarchy

    Called for basic human rights in France
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women and families began to march due to inhumane acts-families going hungry
  • Constitution of the Clergy

    The Catholic Church was taken by the National Assembly and its land was being sold and elected clergy.
  • Sale of church land

    Rumor of bankruptcy called for support of land sale
  • Special Legislation for Paris

    reorganized all districts in Paris into forty-eight sections for voting purposes.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Women

    Social contract between men and women
  • Constitution of 1791

    Short lived constitution in France after the collapse of the absolute monarchy
  • Louis XIV flees

    The King and his family flee to Paris to avoid death
  • Joseph Guillotine

    The guillotine becomes the official method of execution.
  • Tricolor flag is established

    France adopts their new flag-red-blue and white
  • Slave Rebellion in St. Domingue

    French government sent troops to rally down the people and put an end
  • France declares war on Austria

    France would declare war and invade and capture
  • Period: to

    The Radical Stage

    phase of disagreements and violent forces
  • Period: to

    September Massacres

    Thousands of political prisoners are killed
  • Louis XIV death

    The King is guillotined
  • Calonne takes over

    Takes over finances and made an economic recovery that was short lived
  • Reign of Terror

    Killing of people who spoke badly or had opposing views against the French government.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    The queen s executed by the guillotine
  • Period: to

    The Reactionary Stage

    Peaceful but less democratic phase in the French Revolution
  • Napoleon named general of army

    Napoleon would lead the army in Italy
  • Jourdan Law

    Made all Frenchmen aged twenty to twenty-five eligible for the draft each year
  • Capture of Alexandria

    Napoleon ordered to march across the desert to attack and capture Alexandria
  • The Consulate

    The Consulate was the govt of France, putting Napoleon as head
  • Period: to

    The Napoleonic Stage

    Stage where Napoleon ruled
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory

    Napoleon overthrows by force to gain control and establish the Consulate
  • Congress of Vienna

    Diplomatic conference to restore France and Europe after Napoleon's wars
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Marked the final defeat of Napoleon