French Revolution

  • Estates General meets

    Louis XVI called the first meeting of the Estates general in 175 years
  • National Assembly is formed

    revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of third estate
  • Citizens storm the Bastille

    Parisian revolutions and mutinous troops storm and dismantle the Bastille.
  • Period: to

    Great feat sweeps France

    Aka: la Grande Peur, a general panic
  • Citizens attack Paris prisons

    Massacres were a wave of killings in Paris
  • Paris mob invades Tuileries palace

    laid siege to another royalist symbol
  • Third Constitution is Adopted

    approved by plebiscite
  • Napoleon becomes First Consul

    he orchestrated a coup
  • Concordat with Catholic Church

    An agreement reached, defining the status of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Napoleon named consul for life

    constitutional amendment made Napoleon first consul for life
  • Napoleonic Code adopted

  • Napoleon becomes emperor

    The French senate and was crowned emperor
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleo dies
  • France becomes a Republic

    lasted until the declaration of the first French empire