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Haley Jones- French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French revolution started because the third estate wanted to be even like the second and first estate.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    On July 14, 1789 the angry people of Paris storm the Bastille. The Bastille is seen as a building of tyranny and it also stored a lot of gunpowder. The common people stormed it releasing the few prisoners in it, taking the gunpowder, killing the leader of it, and tearing it down brick by brick.
  • The king and queen try to escape

    The king and queen try to escape
    After being taken from their home in Paris they were taken as prisoner to a home in Paris as house arrest. They were there for three years and the king and queen had enough. They tried to escape to Austria but were fought and they were then seen as traitors.
  • The king and queen die

    The king and queen die
    The people finally had enough and decided to kill the king and queen. First it was the king on January 21 and then the queen on October 16. They died by the guillotine in front of many people.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor

    Napoleon becomes emperor
    Napoleon was a very successful military leader and people soon started really liking him as he starting winning many battles. He was voted first counsel, then counsel for life, and after that he was voted as emperor.
  • Defeat against Russia

    Defeat against Russia
    Many historians see this as his downfall because in 1812 Napoleon decides to take on Russia. He started with 600,000 troops and planned on raiding Russia's villages but Russia burned all their cities so they couldn't use them. Napoleon makes it to Moscow when they finally decided to head back. When he does return, only 20,000 soldiers were left and this shattered his reputation.