Bataille de fleurus 1794

French Revolution - Ines Barcena

  • The Order

    The Order
    In the 1770's France remained one of the most enlightened and powerful countries. Although, people didn't realize its deep defects. One of them being their social pyramid. The pyramid only consisted of 3 groups. The first one of course being the king, the second one being the privileged estates, which were the wealthy educated nobles. And lastly, there were the third estate. Which were uneducated poor people.
  • Inspiration

    As the third estate began to grow, they came up with enlightenment ideas, quoting Rousseau for a government led by democracy and a stable economy
  • Crops Fail

    Crops Fail
    Crops fail due to bad weather, and many of the third estate loose yet more money, and a lot grow hungry
  • Weak Leaders

    Weak Leaders
    At this time, France was held by louis XVI, which proved to be not such a good leader. He disobeyed the privileged estate on advice and followed Marie Antoinette's (his wife, a formal member of the royal family of Austria) advice, which was poor. The third estate grew hungrier, poorer by the day, and he was doing nothing to this respect. He ended up loosing a lot of money, and was force to hold a meeting with the nobles after 175 years.
  • The first act of revolution

    The first act of revolution
    The French still continued with it's medieval ideas and order of a country. Many of the third estate people we're eager to change this, but voting wouldn't make much of a difference because their vote wasn't worth almost anything. But, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès held a speech and convinced the majority to vote and establish the National Assembly, which cultivated ideas of enlightenment for a better country.
  • The power of rumors

    The power of rumors
    In paris, many rumors flew by. Many people were saying how louis was preparing to outtake the national assembly with the force of the military.
  • Bastille Day

    Bastille Day
    People began to collect weapons in order to defend their life's against the events presumed to occur. On July 14, a mob break into the Bastille and kill various guards and leaders from there, and parade around the streets with their heads. This day was symbolic to the french revolution.
  • Assembly reforms France

    Nobles man made the agreement to ban the old regime, making privileges of the first and second estates disappear and become one step closer to equality
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    Rebellion among peasants and the third estate soon began to spread. This caused the great fear, they entered into noble's homes by force and destroyed papers that said they had to pay feudal dues. Also, women rioted over the price of bread and ended up in the palace of the king killing many guards and demanding the royal family to return to paris.
  • Louis fails to escape

    Louis and his family did not enjoy this change, since his belief in monarchy was still strong. Many people warned him about how his family was endangered, so he tried escaping to the austrian netherlands but failed. This triggered more anger in his people
  • The Legislatve Assebly

    By 1791, the noble's demanded for change, and Louis had no other choice but to accept it. Their government became more of a constitutional monarchy, stripping away much of Louis's power.
  • The end to the terror

    After executing their king and nobles, after going to war with five countries, the country found itself a great leader to lead their army, whom was Napoleon Bonaparte, and a leaders for their country