French Revolution

By Niznik
  • Estates General Called

    This was to set rights for all men that were equal. There were three estates and they needed an act of defence. They heard that Louis was getting troops together and Parisians were inspired by this so they stormed the Bastille. News spread to France and the people stood up for what they thought was right and this is how the revolution started.
  • National Assembly Formed

    The declaration of the rights and freedoms of men and of the citizen had the last touches put into it. This changed the traditional privileges that the monarch had enjoyed. French Constitution
  • Tennis Court Oath

    This was the only group to represent the nation.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women were demanding reforms. They went to the king and brought him back to Paris with them to make a statement.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    This was a large prison in Paris, where people who spoke against the king were locked up. This people took control after the raid. This day is now a holiday in France.
  • Constitutional Monarchy Formed

    On September 3rd, only a small amount of the power was Luis XVI. This assembly made the king accept the French constitution.
  • Mob Overthrows the Constitutional Monarchy

    A mob invaded and killed the guards.
  • King and Queen Beheaded

    Marie Antoinette was a part of the Austrian royal family. Outside countries wanted to restore Frances monarchy, so they sent forces in. Luis XVI and Marie were beheaded to make sure outside gains that were made would not be lost.
  • Region of Terror Begins

    The revolution and how it was brought out was not in everyone's favor. Many people were scared by what had happened and the revolutionary leaders began to crackdown.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    In this time it lasted 11 months, the constitution was suspended, people were targeted, many people were killed and others arrested.