French revolution 2

French Revolution

  • Louis XVI Crowned King of France

    Louis XVI Crowned King of France
    Louis XVI was crowned right after his grandfathers death on the 10th of May. He was known as the King of France and Navarre when he was first crowned.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    This Revolution in the Americas ended in 1783. It was a colonial revolt. The Patriots of the 13 colonies won independence from France.
  • Calling of The Estates General

    Calling of The Estates General
    This is a meeting between the First, Second, and Third Estate. The third estate which is much larger than others gets the same amount of votes, which cause some of the upcoming events.
  • Formation of The National Assembly

    Formation of The National Assembly
    The National Assembly is an Assembly formed by the Third Estate. This was made because the Third Estate was being treated unfairly in many ways and they wanted to continue enlightenment ideas and keep fixing things like taxes.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    On a tennis court in Versailles, the Newly formed National Assembly toke an oath. This oath said, “Serment du Jeu de Paume”.
  • Attack On The Bastille

    Attack On The Bastille
    Bastille is a state prison in Paris which is a symbol of the monarchy’s dictatorial rule. It was attacked by an angry mob on this day.
  • French Women Force Louis XVI to Leave Versailles

    French Women Force Louis XVI to Leave Versailles
    This is known as the October march, The march on Versailles, and The October Days. During this march people toke weapons from the city and marched in Versailles.
  • Declaration of War Against Austria

    Declaration of War Against Austria
    Revolutionaries believed war would unify the country and spread revolutionary ideas around Europe. These beliefs resulted in war being declared on Austria.
  • The National Convention is Formed

    The National Convention is Formed
    The National Convention is the first French government organized as a republic. This Assembly governed France through the most crucial part of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Louis XVI is Executed
    This event set off a course of horrible events. The king was executed via guillotine; the most common way of death back then.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Led by Maximilien de Robespierre, a radical Jacobin, this time period was the worst of the revolution. This radical leader tried people in the mornings and killed people via guillotine in the evening. This lasted until July 28, 1794.
  • The Thermidorian Reaction

    The Thermidorian Reaction
    The radical leader Robespierre was denounced by the National Convention as Tyrant. Him and others were arrested that night and executed the next morning.
  • The Directory is Formed

    The Directory is Formed
    The French directory set up the Constitution of the year III. This lasted 4 years and included a bicameral legislature known as the Corps Legislatif.
  • Napoleon Takes Power

    Napoleon Takes Power
    Napoleon toke power by overthrowing the Directory (Coup D’etat). This ended the French revolution but he is influenced heavily by it.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    This is the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars. It reduced the French and allied invasion forces to a small fraction.
  • Napoleons Defeat At Waterloo

    Napoleons Defeat At Waterloo
    June, 1815- The French army was defeated by two armies. A British-led army, and a Prussian army. This brings an end to the Napoleonic era.