Louis XVI crowned
Was King of France from 1774 until 1791. As a result of the Dauphins death in 1765, Louis succeeded his grandfather in 1774. The first part of Louis reign was marked by attempts to reform France -
calling of estates general
Was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates General. It is mad up of three estates. The clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the common people (Third Estate). -
Formation of the national assembly
A revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General.They were gradually joined by some of the nobles and the majority of the clergy and other people. -
The tennis court oath
The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General.They began to call themselves the National Assembly.They took a solemn collective oath "not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the kingdom is established" -
Attack on bastille
The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, France. They stormed the bastille to get weapons and gunpowder. And they killed the Mayor of paris. -
Great Fear(July 17th and August 3)
A period of panic and riot by peasants and others. In the provinces the peasants rose against their lords, attacking and destroying feudal documents. -
French women force louis XVI to leave versailles
women in the marketplaces of Paris who were near rioting over the high price and scarcity of bread. They attacked the city armory for weapons and marched to the Palace of Versailles. With violent confrontation they successfully pressed their demands upon King Louis XVI. -
Declaration of war against Austria
On Apr. 20, 1792, France declared war on Austria.The allied Austrian and Prussian forces quickly crossed the frontier and began to march on Paris. -
National convention is formed
Assembly that governed France from September 20, 1792, until October 26, 1795.The National Convention was elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy. -
Louis XVI executed
The execution of Louis XVI, by means of the guillotine. He was only sentenced to death by 1 vote. -
Reign of terror
It was marked by mass executions of "enemies of the revolution". The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine. -
The Thermidorian Reaction
A revolt within the French Revolution against the leadership of the Jacobin Club. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the revolutionary government. -
The directory is formed
The government of France during the French Revolution.The Directory at first had some success in foreign-policy, especially after Napoleon's conquests in Italy. -
Napolean takes power
He collaborated in a coup d’état to overthrow the Directory and establish the Consulate. By 1800 Napoleon had become the First Consul of France, and was now in a position of total power. -
Napolean invades russia
The invasion of Russia was an attempt to force Tsar Alexander I to submit once again to the terms of a treaty. Napoleon entered Russia at the head of the largest army ever seen. After waiting in vain for Alexander to offer to negotiate, Napoleon ordered his troops to begin the march home. -
Napoleans defeat at waterloo
At Waterloo in Belgium Napoleon Bonaparte suffers defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington bringing an end to the Napoleon era of European history. e was exiled to far off St. Helena, where he died nearly six years later.