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French revolution

  • Louis XVI becomes King of France

    Louis XVI becomes King of France
    Louis XVI attains the French throne after his grandfather's death.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    France formally supports the America Revolution by recognizing them as a Sovereign Country. The French send supplies to America in order to help America seal a victory over Britain. This becomes one of the main factors in Frances future economic struggles.
  • Calling of the Estates-General

    Louis XVI calls for a meeting with the Estates-General, due to Frances economic struggles. Since the Third-Estate made up the majority of the Estate-General, each Estate was given a singular vote in order to outnumber the Third-Estate. The Third-Estate believed that the vote should be based on the number of members.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    In response to the unfair voting at the Estates-General, the Third-Estate created the National Assembly. Members of the National Assembly put forth The Tennis Court Oath in order to formalize a constitution that affirmed the rights of the people.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    The Bastille Prison is stormed by 600 citizens attempting to free prisoners that spoke out against the king. Only 7 prisoners are freed, however, the 600 revolutionaries that take part in the attack give other citizens the courage to stand up against oppression.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The National Assembly publishes a constitution that declared the right to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. The declaration made many people believe that the citizen should be in charge of the sovereignty of the nation. The popularity of the king began to fade after the declaration was put into place.
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    A large group of women from Paris began to revolt due to the high price of bread. As more women joined the revolt the group began marching to the Palace of Versailles. The queen, Marie Antionette, was rumoured to be hiding large amounts of grain in the palace. While at the palace the women forced the king to move to Paris, where he would be obligated to serve the people
  • National Convention is Formed

    Creation of a government whose goal was to abolish the absolute monarchy and create a republic. Radical political clubs within the Convention are able to create policies that dictate the revolution.
  • Louis XVI is Executed

    Louis XVI is Executed
    The king and his family are caught trying to flee France. The people and the National Convention see this as an act of treason. After a trial, he is charged with treason and executed at Place de la Concorde in Paris, ending the French monarchy.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The radical Jacobins led by Maximilien Robespierre, attempt to protect the revolution by spreading terror. A law was passed which allowed the Jacobins to arrest or execute, anyone who was suspected to be an enemy of the revolution. The Reign of Terror manages to alter the original ideals of the revolution.
  • Robespierre is Executed

    Robespierre is Executed
    Revolutionary leaders form a coalition in order to prevent Robespierre from continuing the Reign of Terror. He is executed the day after his arrest. His death sparked the end of the Reign of Terror, which ultimately quelled the intensity of the revolution.
  • The Directory is Formed

    The Directory is formed in order to avoid another Reign of Terror. Due to the structure of the government, it was difficult to limit power which led to many members of the government becoming corrupt. Many people became unhappy with the directory and turned to the military for leadership.
  • Napolean's Coup D'état

    Napolean's Coup D'état
    Napoleon gives a speech to the council of 500, in hopes of convincing them that the government needs to be reorganized. Napolean is heckled by the council members who sense that he is plotting to overthrow the government. Napolean sends in his troops, which results in council members attempting an attack on Napolean. The attack on Napolean is used as an excuse to dissolve the Directory and reform the constitution. The dissolution of the Directory leads to Napolean becoming First Consul.
  • Napoleon is Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon is Crowned Emperor
    In order to remain in power for life, Napoleon changes the government to a hereditary empire. At his consecration, Napoleon places the crown on his own head. Having the title of Emperor allowed Napoleon to expand the French Empire by invading other countries.
  • End of Peninsular War

    Ferdinand VII is placed on the Spanish throne once again, which ultimately ends the Peninsular War with France. Napoleon's defeat in Spain is the start of his downfall.
  • Napoleon Abdicates

    After a series of unsuccessful invasions and the occupation of Paris by Allied forces, Napoleon is forced to abdicate. The Treaty of Fontainebleau exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba and restored the French Monarchy.
  • Napoleon Escapes Elba

    After being on Elba for over nine months, Napoleon returns to Paris. Once back in Paris and he gathers his former supporters and reclaims his title of Emperor.
  • Napoleon's Defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleon's Defeat at Waterloo
    An army put together by Britain and Prussia, under the command of the Duke of Wellington engage Napoleon's army in Belgium. The two allies manage to push Napoleon into a full retreat. Napoleon surrenders to the British and is exiled to the island of Saint Helena. The battle marked the end of the Napoleonic Era and laid way to a relative peace between European Countries.