French Revolution

  • France's economy begins to deteriorate

    France's economy begins to deteriorate
    France had a huge debt starting off with the fact that they were in a giant debt.
  • Poor harvest due to bad weather

    Poor harvest due to bad weather
    They had a very poor harvest since they had bee having really bad weather and there soil and plants had practically died.
  • Banks refuse to lend money to the king

    Banks refuse to lend money to the king
    The bank refused to lend money to the king because they were not in favor of what he was doing
  • Meeting of the Estates General to aprove taxes to nobility

    Meeting of the Estates General to aprove taxes to nobility
    The king after many years asks the three estates to come together so that they can talk about approving taxes.
  • Third Estates (and another estate members who favors the reforms) establish themselvs as National Assembly

    Third Estates (and another estate members who favors the reforms) establish themselvs as National Assembly
    The third estate starts the move of separating from the first and second estate and slowly people joined them knowing they were right.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The members of the Third Estate promised to always stay together until the constitution of the kingdom is established
  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    The Great Fear was a general panic between the people
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille which was a prison was attacked by an angry and aggressive group of people
  • Period: to Oct 31, 1289

    Bread Riots

    The Bread Riots was the largest civil disturbance in the Confederacy during the war.
  • Period: to

    Louis and Maria Antoniette are forced to leave Versaille, never to return

    Because the people did not believe in them anymore so they were getting attacked all because they tried to escape and were caught