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Age of Enlightenment
The age of enlightenment was a time of great change. Enlightenment leaders like John Locke and Voltaire, promoted ideas of a society based on thinking instead of on tradition. Enlightenment writings encouraged democratic values and encouraged the sharing of power with citizens. These writings were extremely popular throughout the working class citizens and spread quickly. Enlightenment ideals promoting changes in government helped to inspire both the french and american revolutions. -
King Louis XVI
In 1774 Louis XVI became king of France, however he failed as a leader. King Louis XVI did nothing to help the peasants and only further damaged the financial situation. The new kings poor choices, foolish spending and inability to produce an heir angered citizens. This anger, mixed with the new enlightenment ideas, inspired the citizens to rebel. King Louis XVI embodied everything that the revolution stood against. -
French Starts Offering Support in American Revolution
The French played a large role in he American revolution. The largest part of France's assistance was their navy, which would not only transport troops but help to defend America from Britain Naval Forces. The best display of Frances help was when the defeated the British at the battle of Chesapeake bay. The only downside of this help was that it didn't come cheap. The money spent by France to help America started bringing France into the Financial crisis that would start the revolution. -
Bad Harvests
At the time most French citizens diets consisted mainly of bread. Therefore, the many failed harvest that happened starting in 1875 were devastating to most french citizens. Less grain meant less food, and France's population was increasing. The combination of higher demand and less supply meant an increase in cost, because of this many members of the 3rd estate could afford to eat. The people were starving and the royalty couldn't care less. Understandably, the citizens were upset with royalty. -
Tennis Court Oaths
To further the financial crisis in France, the lower class had to pay heavy taxes to the king. Only the pesants had to pay this tax. Because of this the peasants wanted change, they wanted everyone to pay taxes. But when they went to the meeting of the French Parliament to make this change they realizes that the nobility had locked them out. This blatant disregard for the people of France was the last straw and the peasants made an oath, to never leave until a new constitution had been made