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French Revolution

  • Palace of Versailles is Built

    Palace of Versailles is Built
    The palace of Versailles is the palace where the king and queen used to live. It was built to flaunt the money and power of the king
  • King Louis moves the capital

    King Louis moves the capital
    In 1682 King Louis moved the capital of his country to the Palace of Versailles.
  • When King Louis married Marie Antoinette

    When King Louis married Marie Antoinette
    In 1770 King Louis XVI married Austria's Maria Antoinette, this marriage would end up being a disaster for the country and themselves.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Starting on may 5 1789 the french revolution would become one of the most influential times for the country of France, resulting in a lot of change both good and bad.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    On 20 June 1789, the members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath,
  • Bastille is stormed

    Bastille is stormed
    On 14 July 1789 The medieval armory, fortress, and political prison
  • Declaration of rights of man and of the citizen is wrote.

    Declaration of rights of man and of the citizen is wrote.
    On 26 August 1789, the French National Constituent Assembly issued the declaration of rights of man and of the citizens.
  • Womens March on Versialles

    Womens March on Versialles
    In 1789 women began a march on Versailles due to the inequality they were experiencing.
  • King Louis is executed

    King Louis is executed
    In 1793 the french people executed King Louis because of his treason and cause of national debt towards the nation
  • The reign of terror begins

    The reign of terror begins
    In 1793 the reign of terror began in France, during this time many people were arrested, and many more were executed and killed for supporting the king.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon as emperor

    in 1799 Napoleon crowned himself as emperor, but by 1804 the french people hated him and he was exiled to the island of elba.
  • Napolean launches a coup detat on the weak and corrupt directory

    Napolean launches a coup detat on the weak and corrupt directory
  • Creation of Napoleonic code

    Creation of Napoleonic code
    The civil code gave post-revolutionary France its first coherent set of laws concerning property, colonial affairs, the family and individual rights.
  • Napolean crowns himself as emperor

    Napolean crowns himself as emperor
    In 1804 Napolean crowned himself as emporer of France, resulting in many victorys.
  • Defeat in Russian campaign

    Defeat in Russian campaign
    In 1812 Napolean stormed Russia with a limited amount of troops and a lot of confidence, he ended up losing this battle.
  • Battle of waterloo

    Battle of waterloo
    On June 18 185 Napolean took the french to the battle of Waterloo this would end up being one of his final victories.
  • When Napoleon was exiled

    When Napoleon was exiled
    In 1815 Napolean Bonaparte was exiled to the island of Elba