Moderate Phase
The dates of the Moderate phase are 1789-1791. This was the first phase of the French Revolution. During this phase there was still a constitutional monarchy controlling France. Also during this phase their were many important events that happened. For example the Storming of the bastille was the beginning of this phase. Another example is the women march on Versailles. Many people may think this is the most important phase due to all the actions and events that happened during it. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Estates-General changed the way of voting. Instead of having each estate have one vote, all three estates met together and voted as one single body. This way the First and Second Estate could not outvote the Third Estate. Also in the Tennis Court Oath the estates swore "never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution". -
Storming of Bastille
The storming of the Bastille was an act of the people to revolt against the monarchy in France. They stormed the bastille because they thought that the government's gun powder storage was held there. But when they eventually got in they realized that there was nothing. So they ended up freeing the political prisoners. This was so significant because many people believe it is the start of the French Revolution. -
Feudalism abolished
The National Constituent Assembly, on August 1789, announced, The National Assembly abolishes the feudal system entirely. It did many things like it gave up exclusive privileges, ad equalized things -
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, it was set by France's National Constituent Assembly. The Declaration explains a list of rights, like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and separation of powers. -
Women march on Versaille
On this day around 6,000 angry women marched from Paris to Versailles because the declaration did not give them the same citizenship as men. They also took the King and Queen back to Paris. -
Louis XVI attempted escape
As people started to rebel against Louis he took him and his family and tried to escape from Paris they were caught by guards and arrested and Brought back. After this they got pressed charges for treason against people. -
Radical Phase
Working class men and women started to lead the revolution to the Radical Phase. The Reign of Terror took place at this time where 17,000 were killed by Guillotine. -
Robespierre elected to power
Robespierre was a well known and influential figure in the French Revolution. He was the leader of the Jacobins and The Committee of Public Safety. His nickname was "incorruptible" because of his considerable dedication to the revolution. He was executed in July of 1794 by the guillotine. -
Parisians storm royal palace of Tuileries
Another place that the Parisians attacked was the royal palace of Tuileries. This was the house of Louis XVI and the home of the Legislative Assembly. The outcome of this attack was that the Legislative Assembly suspended the king, abolished the monarchy and convened elections for a new national convention. -
September Massacres
A crowd of Parisians attacked the royal palace of the Tuileries and killed the guards. The king and his family fled to the Legislative Assembly. Just a month later, a mob of angry citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and priests that were accused of political offenses. The mob killed over 1,000 prisoners including nobles, priests and even just regular criminals. -
Louis XVI executed
King Louis XVI was executed for being a traitor of France and killed in front of many people. -
Robespierre executed
On night of Jul 27, 1794 he was arrested and the next day he was executed. After his death the number of executions slowed down dramatically. -
Reactionary Phase
they created the directory,5 men 2 houses... bourgeoisie dominated , during this time there were some problems caused like corrupt leaders, revival of royalists ,inflation of grain. it also did many positive things like dislodged social orders and over threw the monarchy and brought church under state control and created loyalty to nation. they also made a new national anthem and abolished slavery and pushed for religious tolerance. -
Age of Napoleon
1799-1815 Napoleon was born in Corsica which is a French ruled island located in the Mediterranean. When he was 9 years old, he was sent to France to be military trained. He was 20 years old when the revolution broke out and wanted to rise to power. He was a skilled military leader and intelligent strategist. -
Napoleon over threw the directory and created consulate
As Napoleon wanted all power he created a new consul of 3 men and shortly after he kicked out 2 of the men so he was the fist consul, he became the the emperor in 1804 because he had so much power. -
Napoleon named himself Consul for life
Napoleon was a military hero. He started in the military at age 20 and built himself all the way up to overthrow the directory and create the first consulate. During his consulate he killed the other two members of it and named himself Consul for life. During his reign he became very powerful by the military and his strategy in his battles. -
Napoleonic Code
-equality among citizens
-abolition of feudalism
-freedom of religion
-property rights
-hurt women
Napoleons gov. values orders and authority, he used money from winning all the battles to put it back into improving the armies. -
British attacks on American Ships
Because of the French Revolution, Britain and France were enemies. Britain refused to stop seizing American ships and sailors that traded with France. This hurt France and America because neither of them were getting the goods they needed from trade. -
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo
The Battle of Waterloo was a war between Napoleon with his great army and Prussia and Great Britain. Great Britain and Prussia were very scared to fight him because of his battle tactics and how he never attacks the same way twice. This battle marked the end of his career. After the defeat he was sent to an island in the middle of the ocean where he died there.