French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Meeting of Estates Generals

    Meeting of Estates Generals
    King louis XVI invites people to talk about the taxes
  • The third estates leaves the three estates

    After this they become The National Assembly
  • The National assembly appoints for a constitucion

    They appoint a committee of 30 members to try and get a constitution.
  • Fall of Bastille

    Fall of Bastille
  • National assembly End of Feudalism

  • National Assembly adopts the Rights of Man

  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed
  • Louis XVl and his family are arrested

    they tried to leave France
  • The Constitution of 1791 is adopted

    The Constitution of 1791 is adopted
  • The first meeting of the National Convention is held

    The first meeting of the National Convention is held