French Revolution by Christian Iyog and Kamaryn Dunn

  • Publication of the Leviathan and Hobbes

    Publication of the Leviathan and Hobbes
    In Leviathan Hobbes argues absolute monarchy is the only right form of government. Any form of ordered government preferable to civil war.
  • The imprisonment of Voltaire

    The imprisonment of Voltaire
    He was imprisoned for writing scandalous verse implying the regent had an incestous relationship with his daughter. His Really name was Francois- Marie Arouet.
  • Napoleon's early life

    Napoleon's early life
    Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769. Napoleon was a french military general who crowned himself as the first emperor of france. He was one of the world's greatest military leaders. He revolutionized military organizations and training.
  • King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are married

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are married
    They were married on 1770. They were very young at the time. Marie Antoinette was the daughter of the emperor of Australia. They were married in order to form an alliance between France and Australia.
  • King Louis XVI is crowned

    King Louis XVI is crowned
    He was crowned in 1774. He was born on August 23, 1754 in Versailles, France and died January 21, 1793 in Paris. He held the crown for 19 years.
  • Napoleon's Early career

    Napoleon's  Early career
    As a boy, Napoleon attended school in mainland france, where he learned the French language. and went on to graduate from a french Military academy on 1785
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Held on a tennis court. Was a pledge that was signed in the early days of the French Revolution. Displayed the belief that political authority came from the nations people.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
    Occured in paris in 1789. BAstille is a prison that held a lot of gunpowder.
  • Woman March on Versailles

    Woman March on Versailles
    The Women's March on Versailles was also known as the October March. It was also known for being the most significant event of Revolution.
  • The First Constitution of France

    The First Constitution of France
    The first written constitution in france. Created after the collapse of the absolute monarchy of the Ancient Regime.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    He was executed by decapitation on the guillotine. This was a major event in the French Revolution because they convicted the king.
  • The murder of Marat

    The murder of Marat
    Marat was murdered by a stab wound to the chest. He was killed because they had suspicion that he was part of the reason all the Jacobins' was being executed.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre was executed by the guillotine. He was mostly known for the Reign of Terror in which he had many political advisories who he deemed to appose the Revolution.
  • Napoleon's rise to power.

    Napoleon's rise to power.
    On 1795, Napoleon saved the government from counter- revolutionary forces. The next year, Napoleon took helm of the army of Italy. The army only had 30,000 troops and they were in bad condition. But he trained these troops and then he set on to concur a lot of places.
  • Napoleon trying to conquer Egypt.

    Napoleon trying to conquer Egypt.
    On July 1, 1798, Napoleon and his army traveled to the middle east to undermine Great Britain's Empire by occupying Egypt. On August 1, 1798, Napoleon's forces lost. Napoleon's image and France's Image were greatly harmed by the loss of this battle.
  • Napoleon's death

    Napoleon's death
    Napoleon died on May 5, 1821 at the age of 51. Napoleon showed signs of early cancer or stomach ulcer. He died as one of the best military generals. Napoleon was buried in a tomb located in Paris France.
  • Napoleons early career

    Napoleons early career
    Napoleon demonstrated exceptional military skills during the Siege of Toulon. His code assured the spread of ideals of the French revolution. He later died to cancer.