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Absolutism & the French Revolution
Henry IV Assassinated
Louis XIV takes Throne
Louis XIV was known as the "Sun King". He was selfish, and cared very little for the lower classes. He revoked the Edict of Nantes, and spento too much money on war and his palace. -
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The Monarchy
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The Terror
3rd Estated declares itsself the National Assembly
The National Assembly was a transitional body between the Estates-General and the National Constitute Assembly. The Third estate had been granted "double representation", meaning they had twice as many delegates as the first and second estates. -
Bastille Stormed
The Storming of the Bastille was the major turning point in the French Revolution. Though the prison only had seven inmates at the time of its fall, the people of France ransacked the armory, taking weapons with them to go and Threaten the king. -
Declaration of Rights of Man was adopted
The Declaration of Rights of Man was written in order to end the French Revolution. -
Women's March
Also known as the October March, is one of the most significant events in the French Revolution. Peasants stormed Versallies demanding bread. -
Joseph-Ignance Guillotin presents the Guillotine
The Guillotine was presented as a new form of execution. A prisoner was locked in rig at the neck, and a large angled blade would fall, decapitating the prisoner. -
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The Republic
Committee of Public Safety Created
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Commitee of Public Safety
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Napoleon Rules France