Prise de la bastille

French Revolution and Napoleon´s Timeline

  • Economic crisis

    Economic crisis
    Was a result of a series of poor harvests, since 1760 and until the breakout of the revolution the crisis persisted
  • End of American Revolution

     End of American Revolution
    It was a great conditionant of the breakout of French Revolution. The last battle it was taken took place in Yorktown.
  • Summoned of the Estates General

    Summoned of the Estates General
    He was trying to reconduct the political and economic crisis. He wanted that priviledge groups paid taxes.
  • Creation of the National Assembly

    Creation of the National Assembly
    After the representatives of the Third Estate abandoned the Estates General
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The representatives of the Third Estate took the court and promised to create a constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    It is considerated the main symbol of the French Revolution, because the Bastille was considered as a absolutist emblem that belonged to the king.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    The peasants attacked the nobles in the countryside.
  • Abolition of the tithe and feudal rights.

    Abolition of the tithe and feudal rights.
  • Publication of the DRMC

    Publication of the DRMC
    The Declararion of Rights of Man and of the Citizens proclaimed liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    The king and his wife were caught trying to flee out of the country.
  • First Constitution of France.

    First Constitution of France.
    Wich proposed a division of powers, a constitutional monarchy and a censitarian suffrage.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The king accepted the Constitution and a new moderate government was established characterized by the taxes that all the population needed to pay and the abolition of guilds.
  • War of the First Coalition

    War of the First Coalition
    Austria and Prussia declared war on France because their monarchs feared the expansion of the revolution in their countries. Years later, Spain, Great Britain and Dutch republic would also join against France.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    the king was charged for treason and after the king's execution along his wife, a republic was established in France.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    After the First Coalition, the Jacobins (radical revolucionaries) took the power and Robespierre became the dictator. This was the most violent period of the French revolution with thousends of executions by guillotine each year due to the Committee of Public Safety.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre started to lose support and got arrested and executed by guillotine.
  • The Directory (1794-1799)

    The Directory (1794-1799)
    A new form of conservative government was established controlled by a five-member Directory.
  • Napoleon 's coup d'état

    Napoleon 's coup d'état
    Napoleon's aim with this coup d'etat was to implement in the government, the ideologies that had inspired the French Revolution in 1789. He was supported by the bourgeoisie and his army.
  • French Consulate (1799-1804)

    French Consulate (1799-1804)
    Napoleon was named consul and the Consulate's rule began. This was a period of autocratic and authoritarian rule.
  • Rising of the Napoleonic Empire (1804-1815)

    Rising of the Napoleonic Empire (1804-1815)
  • Napoleon is crowned emperor

    Napoleon is crowned emperor
    Napoleon crowned himself as emperor.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    It was one of the most important wins in Napoleon's conquest. He faced the Austrian and Russian troops with the tactics that characterized Napoleon.
  • Revolt in Spain

    Revolt in Spain
    It was one of the causes of the fall of Napoleon. The Spanish War of Independence took place against the Napoleon's troops.
  • Invasion of Spain

    Invasion of Spain
    Napoleon invaded Spain and put his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, in the throne after the abdication of Charles IV and Ferdinand VII.
  • The peak of the Napoleonic empire

    The peak of the Napoleonic empire
    In 1811, the Napoleonic Empire, had reached its zenith: it extended form Spain to Germany.
  • Failure of the invasion of Russia

    Failure of the invasion of Russia
    It was one of the main causes of the fall of Napoleon. The army of Napoleon was defeated due, mainly, to the climate of the hills near Moscú.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    It was the last battle of Napoleon, he battled Prussia and Great Britain. The french army retreated and caused the surrender of Napoleon.
  • Exile on Saint Helena

    Exile on Saint Helena
  • Death of Napoleon Bonaparte

    Death of Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon died in 1821 in Saint Helena, due to unknown reasons nowadays, some theories says, that he died due to Hepatitis, other says that he was poisoned and other says that he was damaged by his father's sadness.