
French Revolution and Napoleon by Cristina and Alba

  • Revolution breaks out

    Revolution breaks out
    Louis XVI summoned the Estates General at Versailles to reconduct the political and economic crisis. The third estate and the nobles and clergy didn´t get agree and the third estate abandoned the Estates General and formed a National Assembly and took the Tennis Court Oath with the objetive to create a constitution.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Was considered the outbreak of the French Revolution, this battle had a big importance in Europe because it has a very important simbolic value.
  • Declaration of the rigths of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the rigths of Man and of the Citizen
    Is a fundamental document that define the personal and human rigths, wich recognised the rigths, individual freedoms and equality of all citizens in law and taxation.
  • Constituent Assembly

    Constituent Assembly
    The National Constituent Assembly was proclaimed at the begginins of the French Revolution. Introduced several measures that change the country and eliminate the Old Regime.
    - Abolition of the thite and feudal rigths.
    - Publication of the DRMC.
    The Constitution of France was accepted by the king Louis XVI, that document made France a Constitutional Monarchy, established the division of executive and legislative and legal powers.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The king accepted the new Constitution and a new goverment was voted. The Legislative Assembly was a moderate government. It only lasted one year due to the intense opposition.
  • Royal familie try to exile.

    Royal familie try to exile.
    The royal family tried to leave the country to austria because the king want to abolished the constitutional monarchy in the cousin´s house of his wife, but they were taken prisioners.
  • Girondin convention

    Girondin convention
    Universal male suffrage was guaranted and as a consequence, the new goverment was more radical. The National Convention abolished the monarchy and France became a republic.
  • Execution of the king

    Execution of the king
    Was one of the most important acts to the French Revolution, the goverment judge the king for treason because of the tried to leave the country, so he and his wife was executed in the Concorde square by the citizens.
  • Reing of Terror

    Reing of Terror
    There was a war because of the execution of the king, Austria, Prussia, Dutch Republic and Great Britain joined against France. That war made many people that the revolution was danger, so Jacobins get the power and Roberspierre became a dictator. During this period more than 20.000 were executed by guillotine. Every suspect that being enemy of republic was killed.
  • Execution of Roberspierre

    Execution of Roberspierre
    The people started to stop supporting Roberspierre because of all the innocent people he has killed, the moderate revolucionaries decided to arrested and executed Roberspierre by guillotine.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    France society was divided into:
    - Radicals: tried to impose an egalitarian socioety.
    - Royalist: wanted to reintroduced monarchy.
  • Napoleon named consul

    Napoleon named consul
    Napoleon carried out a coup d'état and the Consulate began with a period of autocratic and authoritarian rule.
  • Napoleon became Consul for Life

    Napoleon became Consul for Life
    Napoleon was not happy with being consul for ten years, so he made it a lifetime
  • Napoleon's conquest

    Napoleon's conquest
    Napoleon began his conquest of Europe
  • Napoleon Crowned

    Napoleon Crowned
    The Pope crowned Napoleon Emperor of France.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    After France's victory over Austria and Russia at Austerlitz the French troops were unstoppable
  • Invasion in Spain

    Invasion in Spain
    The French invaded Spain and Joseph Bonaparte (brother of Napoleon) was made king
  • Napoleonic Empire achieve its zenith

    Napoleonic Empire achieve its zenith
    It extended from Germany to Spain and France now controlled most of Europe
  • Fail of invasion of Russia

    Fail of invasion of Russia
    This fail invasion and the revolt in Spain against Joseph Bonaparte marked the decline of the Napoleonic Empire
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The imperial armies were finally defeated in Waterloo by Great Britain and Prussia
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Napoleon abdicated after the defeat (Waterloo) and was sent into exile on the island of Saint Helena, where he died.