French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Military School at Age Nine

  • Egyptian Campaign to attempt to block British Trade, but was a failure

  • A 20 Year Old Lieutenant when the French Revolution Broke out in 1789

  • Success as a Military Leader at the Battle of Toulon in France

  • Moved from Military General to Political Leader

  • Napoleon Overthrew the Weak “Directory” form of government after the Reign of Terror and set up a new three man governing board known as the “Consulate”

  • Napoleon tries to improve domestic issues such as controlling prices, encouraging new industry, building new roads and canals, setting up public schools, made peace with the Catholic Church, and won support from all classes.

  • Napoleon wrote a new French Constitution and took the title of First Consul for Life

  • Napoleon creates the title “Emperor of France” and took the crown out of the Popes hands during the Coronation

  • After coronation Napoleon replaces the Revolution Slogan of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity with Order, Security, and Efficiency