• Women in the Estates-General and their right to vote

    Women in the Estates-General and their right to vote
    WOmen demanded the right to be represented in the Estates-General and their right to vote.
  • Beggining of the Constitutional Monarchy

    Beggining of the Constitutional Monarchy
  • The met of the Estates-General

    The met of the Estates-General
    They met in Versalles, and the Third Estate decided to leave the meeting because they wanted a vote per person no per state
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    It recognised, individual, freedoms and equality
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    The Austrian army invaded Paris an Louis XVII scape from Paris but he was catched.
  • Women are still fighting

    Women are still fighting
    The first women's club was founded.
    A law gave women the right to inherit.
    The Constituion denied women the right to vote.
    Olympe the Gouges writed the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen
  • End of the the Costitutional Monarchy

    End of the the Costitutional Monarchy
  • Begging of the Social Republic

    Begging of the Social Republic
  • The beggining of the Girondin Convention

    The beggining of the Girondin Convention
    The girondins were the more moderate bourgeoisie and they controlled the Republic
  • Law of divorce and equal rights

    Law of divorce and equal rights
    A law authorished divorce and declared equal rights between spouses.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    The sans-culottes stormed the Tuileries Palace and impresioned the royal family
  • The end of the Girondin Convention

    The end of the Girondin Convention
  • Execution of the Royal Family

    Execution of the Royal Family
    Louis XVI and his wife were convicted of treason and executed
  • The beggining of the Jacobin Convention

    The beggining of the Jacobin Convention
    They were the most radical sector of the Bourgeoisie
  • Women's clubs are banned and executions of women

    Women's clubs are banned and executions of women
    Women's clubs were banned, and, during the Reign of Terror, about 374 women were executed in Paris.
  • The End of the Social Republic

    The End of the Social Republic
  • The end of the Jacobin Convention

    The end of the Jacobin Convention
  • The beggining of the Directory

    The beggining of the Directory
    The moderates took back control of the Revolution
  • Women's prohibitions

    Women's prohibitions
    Women were prohibited from attending political assemblies and from gathering in the street in numbers greater than five.
  • Women march to Paris

    Women march to Paris
    Women in Paris, equipped with weapons and tools, marched to Versailles, where the royal family live, in an attempt to protest against the shortage of bread and claiming the king to sign the decree wich abolished manorialism. Their actions caused that the royal family moved to the Tuileries Palace in Paris.
  • The end of the Directory

    The end of the Directory
    The end of the Directory was caused by a organised coup by Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Beggining of the Consulate

    Beggining of the Consulate
  • Napoleon was named Consul.

    Napoleon was named Consul.
    After Napoleon threw the Directory through a coup d'état, he was named Consul.
  • A new Constitution

    A new Constitution
    This Constitution pf the new political system didn't include the separation of powers or a declaration of rights. Liberties were limited and censorship was imposed control public opinion.
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    Napoleon proclaimed himself "Consul for life"
  • Napoleon's conquest in Europe

    Napoleon's conquest in Europe
    Napoleon began his conquest of Europe in 1803.
  • End of The Conasulate

    End of The Conasulate
  • Start of the Napoleonic Empire

    Start of the Napoleonic Empire
  • Emperor of the French

    Emperor of the French
    In 1804, the Pope crowned Napoleon "Emperor of the French"
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    France defeated Austria and Russia at the battle of Austerlitz. After, the French troops seemed to see unstoppable.
  • The invasion of Spain and a new war

    The invasion of Spain and a new war
    In 1808, Napoleon invaded Spain and placed his brother Joseph Bonaparte as the new king of Spain. The Spanish War of Independence started.
  • Zenith of the Napoleonic Empire

    Zenith of the Napoleonic Empire
    At 1811, the Napoleonic Empire had reached its zenith: it extended from Germany to Spain. France now controlled most of Europe.
  • Failure of the Invasion of Russia

    Failure of the Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon sent an army of 500,000 men to Russia, and, in winter, less than 100,000 returned to France. This marked the decline of the Napoleonic Empire.
  • End of The Spanish War of Succesion

    End of The Spanish War of Succesion
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In 1815, the imperial armies were finally defeated in Waterloo by Great Britain and Russia. Napoleon abdicated after the defeat and was sent into exile on the islad on Saint Helena, where he died later.
  • End of the Napoleonic Empire

    End of the Napoleonic Empire
  • Napoleon's death

    Napoleon's death
    Napoleon died in 1821 because of stomach's cancer.