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French Revolution and Napoleon

  • King Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    King Louis XVI called the Estates General in 1789 to discuss the financial crisis that was taking place in France during this time. France was facing multiple financial issues during this time due to various reasons. Some of these included issues with the tax system and financial losses from the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. Effect: The effect of this event was the "First and Second Estates joined the Third Estate in the newly formed National Assembly."
  • First and Second Estates join the Third Estate in the newly formed National Assembly

    First and Second Estates join the Third Estate in the newly formed National Assembly
    This event was important because the National Assembly was a mix of the First and Second estates who came together. They came together because they were upset over King Louis XVI's attempt at a tax reform to fix the financial issue of unfair and upper classes dodging taxes. However, his reform did not have enough changes to make it distinctly different from its current state. The effect of this event was "The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen"
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This event was important because once the National Assembly was formed the next step was to draft and adopt a new constitution for France. This constitution guaranteed people natural rights, and equality among people in the law, and set up a separation of powers in the government. Cause: This event was caused by the National Assembly's attempt to fix many issues in France during this time and its formation. "First and Second Estates join the Third Estate in the newly formed National Assembly"
  • The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France

    The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France
    This event is important because it created a constitutional monarchy in France. Instead of having an absolutist monarch, it kept the monarchy; however, it gave a large amount of power to a legislative assembly, which could check the power of the monarch. The assembly chose its members using indirect voting. This event was caused by previous acts of the King which were largely unchecked and did not help improve the state of France. Partly caused by "King Louis XVI calls the Estates General"
  • The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria

    The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
    This was an important event because it was the spark for the War of the First Coalition. This was a series of war in which many different European countries were fighting against France. The effect was "Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine". Louis XVI encouraged the National Assembly to declare war. However, he did it knowing they would be defeated and his power would be restored. This did not work, it pushed his credibility further down the hole and it supported the push to end his career.
  • Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine

    Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine
    This event was important because it was supposed to begin a new age in France. It marked the end of an Absolute Monarchy and brought in a Democracy. The effect of this event was the beginning of the Reign of Terror. "Robespierre's Reign of Terror". The Reign of Terror was a time when massacres and public executions took place against those who were acquainted with the previous monarchy and suspected of treason. King Louis XVI was the first of the many victims.
  • Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror
    This event was important because it marked a time when many were executed for being suspected against the Revolution. Maximilien Robespierre was the head of the Committee of Public Safety during this time and was responsible for organizing and targeting individuals. During the Reign of Terror, nearly 17,000 citizens had been executed by July of 1794. The effect of this bloody event was "The Directory is installed". The Committee of Public Safety lost its sovereignty after this event.
  • The Directory is installed

    The Directory is installed
    This event was important because the Directory was a governing committee in which five people tried to fix the issues in France caused by the Reign of Terror. They tried to enact reforms for the economy and stop mass executions. However, the reforms failed and they used the French army to enact violence and they were beginning to take a step towards dictatorship. The cause of this event was the widespread negative perspective on the Committee of Public Safety due to the Reign of Terror.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory
    The event was important because it led to the rise of Napoleon. He was a military general and statesman. Napoleon used the weakness of the Directory at this time to launch a coup d'etat. Napoleon and Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès worked together to overthrow the Directory along with the assistance of others. This event is considered the end of the French Revolution. Effect: The effect of this event was Napelon being declared First Consul.
  • Napoleon is declared First Consul

    Napoleon is declared First Consul
    In August 1802, Napoleon named himself the First Consul of France. This meant that he was the head of the stronger "liberal, authoritarian, autocratic, and centralized republican government" in France. However, he did not state that he was the sole ruler of France. This event would lead to a new age in France under Napoleon's rule. The effect of this event was "Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France".
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France

    Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France
    Napoleon declared himself the Emperor to consolidate his power and expand his sphere of influence. He wished to establish a dynasty in France and create a French Empire within Europe. However, he spent vast amounts of money on the military and this caused large amounts of debt for France. Poor harvest was also common at this time leading to food shortages and increased prices for goods. One effect of Napoleon becoming the Emperor would be his eventual implementation of the Continental System.
  • The Continental System is implemented

    The Continental System is implemented
    This system blocked trade between France and its allies from the British. Napoleon implemented this system in an attempt to weaken Britain's economy. This idea seemed like a good idea on the outside. It ultimately failed and Britain's economy grew during this time. The cause of this event was partly from Napoleon declaring himself as the Emperor. This move gave him the power to implement various systems such as this one.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
    This event was important because it was the first abdication of Napoleon from the throne. After Napoleons, attempt to invade Russia failed many of his forces lost faith in their leader. Napoleon tried to step down and give the throne to his son. However, this offer was rejected and Napoleon was exiled. The effect of this was the Battle of Waterloo. While Napoleon had been exiled it lasted just shy of a year. Napoleon then escaped and fled to Paris where he claimed his title once more.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    This event was important because it was the final battle of Napoleon's reign over France and France's 'rule' over Europe. At this battle, Napoleon and his forces were defeated by the Prussians and British. One cause of this event was "Napoleon is exiled to Elba". However, he was able to gain his power once again before ultimately being defeated in this battle.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
    This event was important because it officially marked the end of Napoleon's rule. After being defeated at Waterloo, he was exiled to St. Helena to spend the rest of his life. This event occurred because other European leaders saw him as a flight risk. Therefore, to prevent Napelon from returning again, he was exiled outside of Europe. The cause of this event was " Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo". Napelon's defeat at Waterloo ended his career and led to his exile.