French Revolution and Napoleon

  • Execution of King Louis XVI

  • Estates general convened by King

  • Storming of Bastille

  • National Assembly decrees abolition of Feudalism

  • National assembly Declaration of Rights of Man and the citizens

  • Women March for Bread to Versailles

  • Abolition of Nobility and title

  • Black citizens of French Colonies Granted Equal Rights

  • Beginning Of the Reign of Terror

  • End of Reign of Terror

  • Napoleon Bonaparte named "First Consul" now effective dictator

  • Napoleon concecrated as Emperor

  • Death of Toussaint L'ourerture

  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

  • Battle of Trafalgar

  • Prussians Defeated at the Battle of Jena

  • Spanish Campaigne begins

  • Defeat in Russia

  • Napoleon abdicates

  • Beginning of the Hundred Days