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French Revolution Al's History class 2013

  • Period: to

    French revolution al's history class

  • Necker reports to king

    Director-General of finances, Jacques Necker, presnts his financial
    report to King Louis XVI.
  • Necker resigns

    Necker resigns his position as minister of finance
  • New minsister of finance is appointed

    Joly De Fleury is appointed the minister of finance
  • king makes new tax

    The King imposes a third additional tax for the period from 1783 to 1786
  • 1st treaty of versailles

    France signs the treasty of versailles, thus ending the conflict with Britain over the American colonies
  • New controller-General

    Calonne is appointed the position of Controller-General (the Minister of Finances)
  • Dinmond necklace affair

    the scandal of the Dinmond necklace affair tarnishes the reputation of Queen Marie-Antoinette
  • Neckers views published

  • financial reforms to king

    Calonne proposes financial reforms to king
  • king convenes

    The king convenes the Assembly of notables to discuss fiscal reform
  • King dissmisses

    The king dissmisses reforming finance minister calonne and appoints brienne in his place
  • king closes

    The king closses the assembly of notables
  • Law courts

    the law courts (parlements) of paris and bordeaux rebel against the king's authority and are exiled
  • authority

    the king exerts authority upon the law courts in the 'royal session'
  • parlement

    the paris parlement states that the king has a duty to submit new laws to the parlements and that new taxes can only by impossed by agreement with the nation, as represented by the estates-general
  • king disempower parlements

    the king trys to disempower parlements by redefining their role and powers
  • start of Noble revolt

    the start of the start of Noble revolt offten called the Aristocratic revolt, reffering to the fact that the resistance came from the nobles in the assembly of notables
  • end of Noble revolt

    the Noble revolt ends
  • king calls meeting

    the king calls a meeting with the estates-genreral for may 1789

    the royal treasury suspends payments, a near equivalent to bankruptcy
  • Brienne resigns

    the finance minister Brienne resigns, and necker is recalled
  • king reopens parlements

    the king reopens parlements. the paris parlement demands that the estaes-general meet and vote by order
  • Assembly of notables meet

    the start of Assembly of notables meeting to discuss the organisation of the estates-general
  • Assembly of notables meet

    the Assembly of notables meeting ends
  • Double third estate

    Concession of doubling of the number of deputies for the third estate
  • Estates General meet

    Formal call for estates general to meet
  • What is the third estate

    Publication of Sieyès What is the third estate
  • start drafting of book of grievances

    The start of the election deputies to the estates-general at versailles. drafting of book of grievances
  • crowds attack

    Crowds attack and destory reveillon factory. class conflict
  • estates general opens

    Opening of estates general. king maintains traditional honorific distinctions between orders
  • voting by head problem

    Controversy of voting by order or by head, third estate demands voting by head
  • taxation equality

    clergy and nobility accept principle of taxation equality
  • the end drafting of book of grievances

    the end drafting of book of grievances
  • priests join third estate

    Some parish priests join the third estate
  • Bourgeois revolt

    the second stage of the revolution referred to as the Bourgeois revolt, because deputies of the third estate now stepped forward and claimed a new constitutional role for themselves.
  • tennis court oath

    the third estate meets up in a tennis court and swears to not disband until there is a constitution
  • National assembly

    the national assembly defies the royal order to return to discussion by order
  • some nobles join third estate

    A deputation of nobles join third estate
  • orders unite

    The three orders unite
  • troops in paris

    The king orders troops to paris
  • king does not back down

    Despite popular protests against troop presence, the king refuses to withdraw them.
  • agitation in paris

    increasing agitation in paris. the king dismisses necker. the third state of the revolution is often called the revolt of the urban working classes- desmoulins exhorts the people to arm themselves
  • Bastille captured

    The bastille is captured