
French Revolution Adrian Gtz

  • Tax on Noble Men

    Tax on Noble Men
    Assembly to impose tax to the noble men called “Estates General” due to a bankrupt government.
  • National Assembly to end the Absolute Monarchy

    National Assembly to end the Absolute Monarchy
    National assembly for the end of an absolute monarchy and beginning a representative government.
  • Fall of Bastille

    Fall of Bastille
    A mob squad was searching for gunpowder and arms at the Bastille prison in Paris which cause death of people and the fall of Bastille is a National Holiday.
  • Liberty and Equality

    Liberty and Equality
    Noble men made speeches about declaring their love of liberty and equality.(Fedualism ended)
  • Declaration of rights of a Man and Citizen

    Declaration of rights of a Man and Citizen
    National Assembly adopted the statement of Declaration of rights of a man and citizen, “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights” (Liberty, Property, Security and resistance to oppression)
  • Revolt in Versailles for high bread price

    Revolt in Versailles for high bread price
    Revolts due to a higher price of bread, women were marched with armour in Versailles.
  • Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

    Revolutionary leaders adopted the expression “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
  • Royal Family Escape

    Royal Family Escape
    The royal family tried to escape from France to Austria.
  • Limits on Absolute Monnarchy

    Limits on Absolute Monnarchy
    National assembly limited the absolute monarchy and made it a constitutional monarchy.
  • War against Austria & Prussia

    War against Austria & Prussia
    The Legislative Assembly responding by declaring war against Austria & Prussia
  • France is declared a Republic

    France is declared a Republic
    France was declared a republic by the National Convention and women weren't given the vote.