
Gus Etchison French Revolution

By gusetch
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Revolutionaries and troops storm the Bastille and dismantle it and free all of the prisoners. It happened because the 3rd estate was treated poorly and they were locked out of the estates general. They also needed muskets and gun powder. It was so significant because it was said to be the beginning of the revolution.
  • March to versailles

    March to versailles
    6,000 people march to the palace of versailles to bring the king and queen to Paris. it happened because everyone was starving and living a horrible life while the king and queen are living with ease. They are taken to Paris but are basically prisoners for the next 3 years. It was significant because it took the queen and king out of power for the first time.
  • Beheading of the king and queen

    Beheading of the king and queen
    The king and queen were treated as prisoners for 3 years and couldn't leave. They attempted an escape but they were caught by revolutionary soldiers. They went to trial for treason and were found guilty. It was significant because it showed the French people and other countries that the monarchy is over with.
  • Napoleon elected as emperor for life

    Napoleon elected as emperor for life
    France needed a leader and they thought that he would be the best fit because of how successful he was as a general. He was a perfect fit for what the people wanted. The laws he enforced was what the whole revolution was about. He had religious tolerance, let peasants have land, made jobs be based off of talent and controlled food prices. It was important because he put to action the things that the revolution was about.
  • The big defeat

    The big defeat
    Napoleon and 600,000 soldiers march into Russia. Russia had scorched the earth because they knew that Napoleon was going to feed his soldiers off of the land. Winter came around and his men were dying so they retreated and then Russia attacked. Napoleon returned home to France with 20,000 soldiers. It was very significant because it shattered napoleons reputation and ended his reign as emperor