French revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The 3rd estate was locked out of where they meet. So they went and met at a tennis court. They said that they would stay their and would not leave until a constitution was signed.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    People raided the Bastille in France. They raided it for guns and ammo. There wasn't that many guns or very much ammunition.
  • Declaration of Pilnitz

    Declaration of Pilnitz
    At a castle near Dresden Austria and Prussia issued the declaration. It was issued by Frederick William II he was from Prussia and Leopold II he was from Austria. Leopold II was the brother of Marie Antoinette.
  • King Louis is Executed

    King Louis is Executed
    He gets executed with the guillotine. They celebrated his death. And they held his head up by his hair after.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Robespierre started in control. A lot of executing a lot of people. It ended with the fall of Robespierre.
  • The Execution of Marie Antoinette

    The Execution of Marie Antoinette
    She was convicted after her husband. She thought that she was going to be sent home to Austria but she wasn't. She was executed instead.
  • Robespierre Death

    Robespierre Death
    He was arrested with some of his friends. They all tried to kill themselves. Robespierre failed and shattered his jaw. He then was executed.
  • Napoleonic Control

    Napoleonic Control
    He gained control at the end of the French revolution. He had just returned from Egypt. His dictatorship lasted until 1999