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The Guillotine is first used
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Jacobins power
The kings leave Paris
He wanted to leave France and retake the country from the outside. He was married to an Austrian. They dressed up as servants. They stopped at Varennes. He was returned to Paris. He was considered a traitor. The New Constitution reduced his power – Constitutional Monarchy. -
Radicals protest
Radicals of the Jacobin Club wanted to the king to be completely removed. They went to the Shump Dumars to protest. They sent the military who fired some people. It was a massacre. The moderates who wanted to keep the king. The radicals who wanted him out. -
The National Convention replaces the National Assembly
France declares war
The emigres fled France. Other countries feared the same. The Legislative Assembly feared that they’d be attacked. It declared war in Austria. Prussia joined the fighting. -
Louis is arrested
Duke of Brunswick said: if anything happened to the king, he would burn Paris. It was a success. They broke into the palace. There was a fight between armies (the king Swiss Guard). Louis took refuge in the chamber of the Legislative Assembly. Robespierre and his Jacobins were gaining more power. It was decided to remove the monarchy. He was sent to a prison cell. -
September Massacres
During the September Massacres of 1792 aristocrats and priests were killed by mobs (1600 people died). A British newspaper wondered – are these the rights of man? Is this the liberty of human nature? -
The National Convention declared the French Republic
Democracy and equality. They removed evidence from the Old Regime. Priest who didn’t support the revolution were deported or arrested. A new state sponsored religion called the Cult of Reason was created to replace the Catholic Church. Notre Dame and other churches were stolen and were converted to temples of reason. The Christian calendar didn’t survive – French Republican calendar.The government was controlled by radical Sans-Culottes. They began arresting people. -
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War in the Vendee region
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Revolutionary Measures
a) A new Constitution which proclaimed a democratic French Republic.
b) the establishment of a new calendar to show that a new era in French history started
c) pension to retired people
d) free education for all the French children
e) free health care
f) free places for single mothers with children and many other rights that benefited mainly the most vulnerable population. -
King Louis XVI is beheaded
National Convention surrounded
The National Convention was surrounded by radicals Sans-Culottes and 99 moderates were arrested. Robespierre and his radicals had almost total control. -
Summer of 1793 - Toulon - British navy
The city of Toulon captured by the British navy (heavy blow to France). -
In June, the Jacobins seized control of the National Assembly
Marat is killed
Charlotte Corday lived in the Northwestern city Caen. She didn’t like Marat and the revolution. She traveled to Paris and told Marat she had a list of enemies to publish. Marat was killed. She was executed. There were symbols of Marat in the Temples of Reason. -
Reign of Terror
Reign of Terror – spies were everywhere. Criticizing was punished. 40000 were killed because they were suspects (crimes against liberty). -
Marie Antoinette is beheaded
Marie Antoinette was found guilty of treason in 1793 and beheaded at 37 years old. -
In winter - Toulon recaptured by Bonaparte
Thermidorian Reaction starts
France wins the Battle of Fleurus
Period: to
Spring and summer of 1794 executions reached the Great Terror.
He said that he had a list of enemies to behead and many of them were part of the National Convention. -
Robespierre is sent to the guillotine