French Revolution

  • Estate General

    Estate General
    King Louis XVI set a meeting for the nobles, clergy and the commoners known as the third estate to discuss the financial crisis of the monarchy.
  • National assembly formed

    National assembly formed
    The national assembly was formed by members of the Third Estate in order to abolish the feudal system.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    This is where the Third Estate also known as the National Assembly decided to break away from the Estate Generals and create their own constitution. They vowed that they would come together under any circumstances until a new constitution is created.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille prison represented the political royal authority in Paris and it was attacked by an angry mob of commoners.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    A declaration passed by the the National Constituent Assembly which declares that all men are born and remain free and equal.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    Thousands of women marched to versailles for several reasons some petitioned against the shortages on bread and some wanted the king to relocate from Versailles to Paris. This is one of the turning points of the revolution where the shift is now changing to Paris.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    King Louis XVI tried to escape Paris. however, this was a failed attempt as he was caught near the Austrian border and was brought back to Paris under guards.
  • The Declaration of Pillnitz

    The Declaration of Pillnitz
    Prussia and Austria issued the Declaration of Pillnitz in response to King Louis XVI capture and forced return to Paris.
    The Declaration warned the French against harming the King and demanded the Monarchy to be restored. It also meant that if any harm was done to the King both countries would intervene militarily.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    King Louis XVI approves the National Assembly's new constitution which declares France as a constitutional monarchy.
    The constitution was created during the French Revolution.
    It limited the powers of the King to rule his sovereign country as all the power now resides in the hands of the Legislative Assembly.
  • War Against Austria and Prussia

    War Against Austria and Prussia
    The Girondin leader Bristot even though he wanted King Louis to remain in power he felt threatened by the Declaration of Pillnitz and so the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia.
    Both Austria and Prussia expected such response and had troops ready to attack at the French borders.
  • France is a Republic

    France is a Republic
    The National Convention set its first election on the delegates who would oversee the country which was divided between the Girondins and the Jacobins.
    One of the first actions that the Convention took was abolishing the Monarchy and so France became a Republic.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI was executed at the guillotine after much debate he was put on a trial and was found guilty of treason.
    King Louis was a symbol of the ending of the Monarchy and the new beginnings of the new Republican government.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Robespierre leader of Jacobins takes power from Girondins after accusing them in the National Convention of representing the aristocracy.
    Robespierre and the Jacobins focused on addressing political and economic threats on France.
    Mass executions were taking place through the guillotine because Robespierre and the Jacobins started to target people who had counterrevolutionary ideas or differed with the Jacobins views.
    his Reign ended when the Jacobins allied against him, and he was executed.
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    The convention ratified a new constitution which created the new Legislature that consists of an upper house called the Council of Ancients and the lower house called the Council of Five Hundred.
    It also created a new executive body that would be a group of five officers called the Directory.
  • Napoleon Coup d'état

    Napoleon Coup d'état
    During the periods between 1796-1799 France's government was being taken over by multiple coups.
    The military during this time was stable and were successful in battles against Prussia.
    The people began to distrust the government due to failing war efforts. As people wanted peace.
    In May 1799 Emmanuel Sieyes was elected by the upper house he wanted to protect the French government as he didn't want the power for himself.
    He asks Napoleon to take power.
    Napoleon ended the French Revolution.