French Revolution

  • The Diamond Necklace

    The Diamond Necklace
    The Diamond Necklace Affair concludes with the acquittal of Cardinal Rohan and the discrediting of Marie Antoinette.
  • The Beggining of French Revolution

    King Louis XVI needed money. His financial crisis forced the French monarch to reluctantly convene the Estates General in order to have more land he needed taxes.
  • The National Assembly

    After being locked out of their meeting room, the people of the Third Estate assembled on a tennis court and swore not to separate until a constitutional regime was established.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Storming and fall of the Bastille.
  • The end of Feudalism

    The end of Feudalism
    The end of feudalism and serfdom in France is announced by the National Assembly.
  • Rights of man

    The National Assembly states the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • King louis XVI said to be a prisioner

    King louis XVI said to be a prisioner
    The women of Paris invade Versailles. Parisians, led by a large number of women, march upon Versailles and force the royal family back to Paris, where they take up residence at the Tuileries. Louis XVI is considered by many a "prisoner" in Paris. The Assembly, still in Versailles, declares, in the spirit of constitutional monarchy, its inseparability from the king.
  • Civil Constitution

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed.
  • Louis and his family Are arrested

    Louis XVI and his family are arrested while trying to flee from France.
  • Constitucion 1791 adopted

    The Constitution of 1791 is adopted.
  • Battle of France and Austria

    France battles Austria on Austria.
  • The fall of the French monarchy

    attacked the Tuileries Palace, forcing Louis XVI and the royal family to take shelter with the Legislative Assembly.
  • First meeting on National Convemtion

    The First meeting of the National Convention is made.
  • Louis is sent to guillotine.

    Louis is sent to guillotine.
    Louis XVI is sentenced to the guillotine.
  • France Declares war

    France Declares war
    France declares war on Britain and Holland.
  • The Reign of Terror sentence.

    The Reign of Terror sentence.
    The Reign of Terror sentences 20,000 to 40,000 people to death.
  • Arrest Robespierre.

    The National Convention arrests Robespierre.
  • the freedom of Robespierre

    Robespierre is free.
  • Constitution of ratified

    The Constitution of 1795 established a liberal republic with a franchise based on the payment of taxes.