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French revolution

  • Bread prices

    Bread prices
    The price of berad doubled in 1979, causeing many people to starve
  • Louis' problems

    Louis' problems
    bankers refused to lend the government any more money, Louis faced serious problems
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The second estate called for a meeting of the estates of general the meeting was held on May 5 1789 at Versailles
  • Delegates breakdown

    Delegates breakdown
    delegates locked out of the meeting room they broke down the door pledging to stay until they had drawn up the new constitution
  • Bastile day

    Bastile day
    French national holiday similar to the Fourth of July
  • bastille overpowered

    bastille overpowered
    on july 14 a mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the bastille, a paris prison, the mob seized conrtol of the building
  • Price of bread

    Price of bread
    thousands of parisian women rioted over the price of bread
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The national assembly completed the new constitution, the constitution created a limited constitutional monarchy.