French Revolution

  • Building of Versailles starts

    This didn't help France because the upper classes was using all the money and the lower classes were getting hit hard.
  • Leviathan was published

    The book argues that absolute monarchy is the only form of government that works
  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleone di Buonaparte is born to a middle class family from Italy.
  • Louis XVI was crowned

    This was controversial because of how King Louis ruled over things he was easily swayed and a bad talker so not a good fit for a struggling kingdom.
  • Declaration of Independence (US)

    US announced their independence from England and this was inspiring to the people of France because of the monarchy that was going on.
  • Tennis court oath

    The members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath, vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established."
  • Bastille is stormed

    A state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule, and the event became one of the defining moments in the Revolution that followed.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Set by France's National Constituent Assembly in 1789, is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    The woman were mad at how the queen was spending the countries money so they stormed the palace.
  • Return of Louis XVI after he tried to flee

    The King tried to escape his country and when the people found out they stormed around him and imprisoned the King.
  • Napoleon rises

    Napoleon goes up trough the army ranks at 24 years old
  • Murder of Marat

    Marat was locally hated because he was getting everyone killed because of their opinions and one lady had enough and she killed him one day.
  • Institution of new French calendar

    The new calendar was made to reduce the power of the catholic church by confusing everyone about Sundays
  • Napolean making laws

    Napoleon re-wrote the Constitution of the year VIII
  • Napoleon becomes leader

    Becomes emperor of France
  • Napoleon the king

    Becomes king of Italy
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies to what is thought to be stomach cancer.