Tenis Court Oath
The National Asembly was a new government formed by the third estate, after breaking away from the estates general. Their plan was to create a new consutution for France. Here they swore the "tennis court oath" that stated that they would continue to meet until the their goal had been met. -
Storming of Bastille
The revolutionaries new that there would be many rioits but they had very few wepons. So they decided to storm the Basitlle, a large mystirous prison, were many wepon were being stored. They sucsessfuly took over the Bastile and tore it down brick by brick. This sent a message to the king, the revolution was happening and they were much stronger and more eficeiant than he had thought. -
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
This was a decloration passed by the national assemby. This decloration outlined the basic rights that the government was oblijed to follow. This document was very similar to the Decloration of Indipendence, it also incorperated many ideas from pholosiphers Locke, Voltiare, Montesque, and Rousseau. It also adressed natural rights and equality. -
March on Versailles
The people of France were starving, so the women decided to take their complaints to the king and queen. The women marched 22 kilomenters with wepons in hand to outside Versaille, the palace were king Luoies XVI and Marrie Antwanet lived. After waiting for several hours they ran through the palace, found the king and queen and forced them to move back to Paris. This was a sign of the people gaining power over the monarchy. -
The Guillotine
The guillotine was invented by Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. It was a beheading device of the revolution. It was suposed to be quick and painless as all people were suposed to be equal at death. -
Political Clubs
Instead of politcal parties there were political clubs. Some of the ones that became most prominent ones were the Jacobins, and the Gordanists, who eventully became comonly known as the mountians. The Jacobins grew very populare and gaind control over just under half of the Assembily. -
Legislative Assembliy Forms Government
The Legislative Assembliy formed government at there first offical meeting but there were to many groups who wanted power like the radicals who wanted a republic, the moderateds who wanted a constitutional maonarchy or the monarchist who wanted to give teh king back most of his power. With all these different veiw points it as destoned for faluire. -
France Decalres War on Austria
The french people were lead to belive by a motivational Jacobin speaker, that Auatrai would come and destroy all there hard earned rights so they decided to prematurly retaleate. This is when the french anthem was created by Claude de Listle to encourage the troups into battle. At Valmy the french won and declared victory. -
Exicution of King Luois XVI
King Luois XVI, or Luois Capet was decapitated by the gelitine in frount of a public crown. First a trial was held against him and he was acused with a total of 33 charges. He was found guilty and the punishment was death. His wife , Marrie Antoinete, was exacuted the following October. -
The Comitty of Public Safty
After the kings death the reign of terror started governed by the comitte of public safty. Incharge of the comitty as maximillien robespierre. Who had orginally been helping the people of the revolution but now was esentailly a dictator of France. This comitty enstated many new rules including a new calender, the mectric system was introduced, there was free education avalible, but many more people were executed. -
Marat Murdered
Jean-Paul Marat was one of Frances most radical leaders whos revolutionary ideas were said to save many live. He was assasinated by Charlotte Corday while in a medicinal bath. She thought that this would stop his expressive articals in the paper but it made him seem like a mytar and his ideas gaind more popularity. -
The Directory
This was a new form of government astablished that gave power to poeple with land, and allowed them to vote. This destroyed the idea of the rights of all citizens that they had faught so hard for.