The American Revolution
The American Revolution inspired the French Revolution. The National Assembly took many ideas from the Declaration of Independence for their constitution. The French were also allied with the Americans towards the end of the American Revolution. The Americans rebelling showed the citizens of France that they did not have to suffer in silence. -
Financial and Economic Crisis
The Third Estate was taxed heavily because of the royal family's outrageous spending habits. The crops were also failing due to bad weather that year. Failing crops meant a shortage of grains and grains were a major part of the French's diet. The French citizens became angry that they were being taxed so heavily they could not afford to eat. In the end, a mob of angry women stormed the royal palace and demanded the king relieve them of their taxes so they could feed their children. -
Unfair Treatment
The Third Estate citizens were treated the most unfairly with limited rights and high taxes. King Louis XVI failed to realize that the largest estate was dissatisfied and that it could be a potential problem. The king ignored their suffering and they took matters into their own hands. They created the National Assembly and the Constitution of the Rights of Man and Citizen. -
The Great Fear
In 1789 rumors of noble's hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants began spreading throughout France. The peasants soon decided to take matters into their own hands by fighting back and terrorizing the nobles. They stormed noble's manor houses and destroyed old legal papers and in some cases burnt them down. This event caused the chaos to escalate throughout France. -
The New Constitution
In 1791 The National Assembly as well as members from the other Estates gathered to create a new document called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The document declared basic liberties that the people found necessary. The new constitution contained many ideas of enlightenment and gave the people a renewed will to rebel against the French government.